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The Stranger in France

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2518    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ur.-Deserters.-Prefect de Marine.-Ville de Sandwich.-French Farm

restraint would have discoloured the magic sce

ench money, and as in future, when money is mentioned, it will be in the currency of the country, it perhaps may not be unacceptable to subjoin a table of the old, and new, and republican coins. For every guinea of full weight, which we carried over, we received twenty-four livres, or a louis d'or, which is equal to twenty shillings sterling, of course we lost one shilling upon every good guinea, and more, according to the deficiency of weight. The course of exchange and commission, with our country, I afterwards found at Paris, to be one shilling and eight pence, in the pound sterling, aga

he french always calculate by livres, as we do by pound




nty four livres fre


or six livr

three livre

quatre sol

ce is twelve pen

iece is 6d f


size of our sixpence, but is copper, with a white or silverish mixture,

colour, but not so white, and rather thinner, which is one sol


nny french, or a halfpenny english, twent

half a sol french, o

ench, and of the value o


hree pence english, having a good impression of the late king's head on one side, and



is half of the abov


s the fine cannon are made of, and is worth three

rth a halfpenny and h

rthings, five of which are equal to the

o a stranger, on account of the dishonest advantages w

ur route, we went from the municipality to the bureau des diligence

s. The fronts of the houses, which are lofty, are deformed by the spaces between the naked intersections of

d, and as far as we could judge by day-light, handsomely decorated. The players did not perform during our stay. In the vegetable market place, which was

o our compassionate dispositions, by the appellation of "très charitable citoyen," but f

st the immediate officers under government, in their official communications, w

worship, the Sunday before we arrived: On that day the bell of the Sabbath

e republican emblems, which every where (I speak of them as a decoration) seem to disfigure the buildings which bear them. When I made this remark, I must, however, candidly confess, that my mind very cordially accompanied my eye, and that natural

nd trowsers, which are supposed to increase their disgrace, on account of its being the regimental colour of their old enemy

ith emotions of terror, consider this event as the rash result of a wager conceived over wine. Those who know the character of sir Sidney, will not impute to him such an act of idle temerity. No doubt he considered the object, as included in his duty, and it is only to be lamented, that during two lingering years of rigorous, and cruel confinement, in the dungeons of the unhappy sovereign, his country was bereaved of the assistance

eak of his escape from the Temple, the real circumstances attending which are but

incess, distinguished herself by her personal intrepidity. It is said, that she landed here, in a galley, bearing the devi

ike the most veteran soldiers, and betrayed no symptoms of fear, although the bullets flew about her in all directions. When desired by the duke of Guise, and the constable

h flax and clover fields. In this part of the country, the farmers practise an excellent plan of rural economy, which is also used in Dor


veral very elegant chateaus and gardens, belon

ngland, were very respectable, and had amassed considerable wealth during the war. The approach to the light houses, through a row of elms, is very pleasant; they stand upon an immense high perpendicular cliff, and are lofty square buildings, composed of fine light brown free stone, the entrance is handsome, over which there is a good room, containing four high windows, and a lodging room for the people, who have the care of the light, the glass chamber of which we reached, after ascending to a considerable height, by a curious spiral stone stair case. The lantern is composed, of ninety immense reflecting lamps, which are capable of being raised or depressed with gre

he murmu

numbered idle

d so high: I'l

turn, and the

down he

from it as enemies, alluding to the long, and masterly blockade of this port by a squadron of english frigates. She carried us to her little museum, as she called it, where she had arranged, very neatly, a considerable collection of fossils, shells, and petrefactions. Here she showed us with great a

to the shores of Great Britain. I expected to have seen an immense floating platform, but the vessels which we saw, were made like brigs of an unusual breadth, w

to create an equipoise, and is raised by an axle, fastened near the shafts. I was informed by a merchant, that a single horse can draw with ease thirty-six hundred weight, in one of these carts. These a

well, and had not thought it worth our while, on account of the probable shortness of our stay, to bargain for our lodging



isonment of la Fay

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