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The Submarine Boys and the Middies The Prize Detail at Annapolis


Word Count: 1628    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

det wheele

ave you been engaged on

ly," Jack

of thi


der that enough time, sir, in which

ck replied, "upon a man's

, sir, for a boy?" That

her cadets becam

oy, as it would upon t

son, that you know all ab

, n


"few men interested in submarine boats know mu

lies equally


lf, sir, fully competen

t," Jack replied. "My employers, tho

?" continued the cadet, res

nson replie

c gravity and the tensil

answer Mr. Mayhew

ordinary instruction, and to partake more of the nature of a cross-examinat

uted the naval officer. Then the cadet's

estions and t

ts to pass above and embark on the cutters. He remained

o. If you manage the sea instruction as well, in the days to come, our c

the cadets were not required to say 'sir' to us. It sounds od

ed to do it with all civilian instructors, and it would never d

ivings. Eph took more part in the explanations than he had done in the forenoon. Then came a third squad of cadets, to be taken over t

and your friends for some excellent work," said Lieutena

d Eph Somers, when the three were alone in the cabin. "Ju

some after a few weeks, anyway. Lying here in the basin, and talki

. "As for me, I've had enough hard work to appreciate a r

. "I went last night-and some of the f

obbery to the police?" demanded H

being on the watch, will take the alarm and get away. If I wait two or three days, then the mulatto's cr

they got away from you


decided to wait and t

of anything else to do, sat and read unt

ned. "What do you fellows say to getting on

grinned E

hed, then

quietly; "about th

lations for a lot of rank outsiders like

hing. "You forget, Hal, old fellow, that we'

od taste for us to go prowling through

try it, and, if no marine sentry chases us, we can conclude t

r was locked and Williamson and Truax had already turned in. There was a shore boa

he Academy grounds at this hour?" Jack in

against it. And, anyway, sir, you

hen please ta

ers, and some of their ladies living at the naval station, were out. The cad

they obtained of buildings and grounds. Back at Dunhaven the air had been frosty

ts here ever have any r


read-that they

sort o

ets of the upper classes haze

all but the plebes. Who

youngest class at the

to the plebe?" Ep

uld find that out, Eph, woul

lis, I'll enter the class abov

had again approached th

"If he has the time, I don't doubt he'd be glad

f, hoping the approaching cadet, when questioned, would res

enly turned, coming stra

ntlemen," was the

," was Jack's

een here before

Jack co

ave never, sir, seen

" began E

lapping both hands

us in pieces?" begged Eph, spea

ghed heartily

e seen the camelroorelephant. It's a cadet joke, b

be good enough," Ja

ickly about him, the

please, g

nd the end of barracks to an open

sk you to open them again. You won't have to keep your eyes closed more than sixty secon

sure that his request had been me

n all three of the submarine boys

open my eyes,"

to," warned Jack Bens

rted Eph, "and I'm going to-o

in Eph's voice caused Jack and Ha

the three repre

m. Something in the very attitude and poise of the young men told

in for something real and startling, I reckon. Fellows,

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