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The Submarine Boys and the Middies The Prize Detail at Annapolis


Word Count: 1864    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

l do, Ah

of the night before threw d

m' dat. Come right erlong, 'less yo

me if I come up,"

wo'k. Ah done tole yo' dat. Come right er

f his valuables, this yellow worthy must be genuinely anxious to be rid of the victim. So he took hol

son saw the mulatto and the dogs in the next room, the

the rascal's voice reassuringly. Jack obeyed by stepping into the next

master of the situation. "Ah's gotter tie yo' up, befo' Ah can sta

tern together. The dogs remaining behind, Jack was carried out into the yard, where he discovered that daylight was coming on in the East. He was dumped on the ground long enough to permit his captor to lock the door securely. Then the submarine boy was lifted

tion to judge time accurately. At last the team was halted, along a stretch of

ght ob de town. Now, Marse Benson, w'at happen to yo' las' night am all in de co'se ob a lifetime, an' Ah hope you ain't got no b

at Jack's wrists, then as swiftly leaped to the seat of the wa

eing tied with many hard knots, spent some precious minutes

e skipper. "I haven't the slightest idea what direction he took after he got out of sight, and-oh, graciou

by his late captor. Brisk walking wore some of the edge off his great wrath. Cat

val Academy!" he gritted. "What a treat I'll be to the cadets! That is,

demy presenting any such grotesque picture as he did now. Yet he had no money about h

went the more painfully conscious the boy became of the ludicrous appearance that he made. He saw men and women turn

in town knows me, anyway," he muttered. Then he caught sigh

he all but panted. At last he came to the Maryland House, opposite the State Capi

and who was growing more drowsy every

you ragamuf

y, breathlessly. "I'm a guest of

" demanded the clerk of the


A score of well-dressed gentlemen were staring in astonishment at the scene

te to Hal Hastings, asking that chum to send him up a uniform and other articles of attire. However, before the young submarine captain fully re

vised one

hopelessness of such a course. In truth, he

on had died out, "there's nothing for it but to hurry to the Academy.

, then down through a side street until he

, as soon as Jack showed hi

bringing his heels t

here are you going?"

belong aboard the 'Farnum,' one of the submarines that arrived las

head to foot once more. Then he added, in a lower tone, with j

you must have had a high old f

longer, Benson hurried on along one of the walks. He took as short a course as he cou

ted Eph, wonderingly, for Somers

Hastings, looking eagerly in the d

Lieutenant Commander Mayhew, after a keen, wholly disapproving look at the

o be in that fearful shape? He must have been in o

ar," the lieutenant commander continued, under his breath. "His friends

explained who he was. Hal and Eph stood awaiting the coming of their young commander, their faces full

alk there. You need a bath and to get

le he washed himself off, in one of the staterooms aft, he talked through

of your absence until this morning. Then Eph and I decided to come on down to the boat to see if you w

" inquired

forward in the engine-r

bout the scrape, anyway," returned Jack.

e, catch the mulatto and force the retu

I don't know whether there'll be any use in trying to find that mulatto. I haven't the least i

alongside, the voice coming dow

r. When he retur

ew, and will Mr. Benson wait on the lieut

but truthful explaining to a man who isn't in the least likely to believe a word

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