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The Suitors of Yvonne


Word Count: 1849    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s soundly that night than was my wont, and indeed it was not until

tion that I had lost and of the need that there would be ere long to seek a lodging more humble and better suited to my straitened circumstances. It was not without regret that

tened to beset me, for the knocking at my chamber door conti

ide me at Rocroi, and who had thereafter become so enamoured of my person-for some trivial se

himself, having doubtless grown tired of waiting, appeared in the doorway. He wore a sickly look, the result of his last night's debauch;

nes?" was his greeti

lashed, which told me both that he

s that bid me rise,

ithdrew. No sooner was the door closed than the boy's whole manner changed. The simmering passion of which

ieur d'Orleans's household. An hour ago in the ante-chamber at the Palais Royal

at the developments which already I saw

I begged of him,

right to censure me. But, Sangdieu! that a ruffler of the stamp of Eugène de Canaples should speak of it-should call me the nephew

u answe

stowed upon me had I not done so. Oh, I answere

passing eloq

see me slink into hiding like a whipped dog, terrified by his blustering tongue and dangerous re

ng!" I e

think the affront l


ou, Luynes-to ask you to be my second. I don't deserve it, perhaps. In my folly last night I did you an ill turn. I unwittingly caused you to be stripped of your commission. But

more lightness than I felt. "But I'll

ly, his Southern blood a-boiling. "You'

the indiscretion of killing me f

St. Auban and

the third in

ought that perhaps

s no better blade in Paris. If he will join us in this frolic, and you can hold off Canaples until either St. Auban or Mo

me to seek out the redoubtable Gouville, the poor lad's f

ciation, grown fond of Andrea de Mancini. Indeed the wonted sweetness of the lad's temper, and the gentleness of his disposition, were such as to breed affection in all who came in contact with him. In a way, too, methought he had g

the foils, and derived great profit from my tuition, yet he was too

it Coupri, the apothecary,-to whom belonged this house in which I had my lodging,-and did not give the matter a second thought until

extraordinary a visit might portend,

, and received from him a greeting

he inquired peremptorily, disre

left me, M

h he has already reaped from the indiscr

. de Mancini touching his last night's indiscreti

is is due to my imperfect knowledge of the language of France, poss


peevishly. "I came not here to talk of yo

sking me to second him at

duel is to be fought?-that m

Eminence daintily puts it-murdered. But for th

e it the butt for the ridicule that malcontents but wait an opportunity to slur it with. This affair of Andrea's will lend itself to a score or so of lampoons and pasquinades, all of which will cast an injurious reflection upon my person and position. That, Monsieur, is, methinks, sufficient evil t

best to render

nd me. This duel, sir

ed my sh

ropose to frustrate it? W

you I am anxious to have the wh

late king's edict against duelling, and send your guar

ten years has been disregarded? That I feared for my nephew's skin and took thi

re right, but I doubt me th

y said that it sha

lders. Mazarin grew tire

e avoided, yo

r, that is y


he was dragged into this business, and throu


rry my jest so far as to have you hanged if this duel be fought-aye, whether my nephew suffers hurt or not. No

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