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The Suitors of Yvonne


Word Count: 2728    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nd a rush of feet. One glance over my shoulder, one second's hesitation whether I should stay and beard them, then the thought of Andrea de Mancini and of what would befall him did this canaille ven

he most deliberate, so that when I turned into the open space before the H?tel V

aking his head, he would have left me to my fate. But I was of another mind. I dashed towards the vehicle, and as it passed me I caught at t

by a woman's scream; a pale face, and a pro

, but rather one who stands in imminent peril of

e the lash of the coachman's whip curled it

" he bellowed; "get do

ely counselled, I drew myself farther up by a mighty effort, and thrust half my body into the coach, whereupon the fair lady screamed again, and the whip caressed my legs. But within the coach

is drawing rein, and I shall of a certainty be murdered under your very nose unless you bid him change his mind. To be murdered in itself

t recklessness won me her sympathy and aid. Quic

Then turning to me, "You may bring your legs

, as I obeyed her. Then leaning out of the carriage again I waved my hat gallantly to

houted. "Come to me one by one, and I'll ke

a yell, and I sat down

ward, Monsieur,"

oury things, Madame, but my bitte

, did you

cessive humility of my soul I r

r tiny foot beat impat

me, Monsieur. Where d

o concern; I can assure y

r," she cried angrily. "Ans

ng? Oh, ah-to t

the feather hanging limp and broken, whilst there was a rent in my breeches that had been made by Canaples's sword, I take it that I had not the air of a courtier, and that when I said that I went to the Palais Royal she might have justly held me to be the adven

mob pursue yo

ousness of one accustomed to command replies. This pretty queenliness i

Why does the mob pursue great men

glance, and the faint smile on my li

do to deserve

swered coolly. "Or, at least, I left

ed her face with her small white hands. My inquisitor, however,

d you k

raging her thoughts, "beca

did he seek

isturbed him

fle, sir!" she retorted,

loth from the table whilst he ate. He was a quick-tempere

ay have entered her mind that percha

ir, that you pr

become necessary. Yo

rang sharp as the

de Can

e whom yo

difficult to read that some mighty interest of hers was involved in my rep

even that he will not die. For the rest, since you ask the ques

as if every nerve in her body had of a sudden been beref

The girl roused herself from her momentary weakness, and, s

wish to Heaven that I had left yo

lighted: "I am sorry, Madame, that

ind conceivable. The lady in the coach had saved my life, and for that I was more grateful perchance than my life was worth. Out of gratit

he remainder of my days weeping over my past life. But the gods, who had given me a character calculated to lead a man into misfortune, had given me a stou

hat was besetting me, and, finding myself chilled by inaction in my wet clot

the presence of the most fe

entered his cabinet. "Have you

have been serving you in t

teful his otherwise not ill-favoured countenance. It

ly, "I have heard o

lated, amazed by the powe

. You are a brave

t their life, and that is not so sweet to them that they lay much store by it. Howbeit, Monse

auxiliary of valour-discretion. What need to fling into the teeth of those fine gentlemen the reason y

all of them," I r

ll? Pah! What if some fine morning there comes one who, despite your vaunted sw

! you did not, and so by a thoughtless word you undid all that you had done so well. You may go, M. de Luynes. I have no further need of you-and thank Heaven that you leave the Palais Royal free to go whither your fancy takes you, and not to journey to the Bastille or to Vincennes. I am m

succeed in saving Andrea my rank in his guards-and thereby a means of livelihood-would be restored to me. And now matters were no better than

lingered. Then reading mayhap what was passing in my thoughts, he

, who entered in answer to the s

er, as I followed Bernouin to the door which opened on to the corridor, and which he held for me. And thus, for the second time w

y lodging half an hour ago, and which its bearer had said was urgent. I took the letter, and bidding

, and that Paris is therefore as little suited at present to your health as it is to mine. I am setting out for Blois on a mission of exceeding delicacy wherein your advice and guidance would be of infinite value to me. I sha


ties to hold you in Paris," he wrote. Dame! A change of air would suit me vastly. I was r

I shouted, springing to my

at me in

ur going a

e. "Pack my suit of pearl grey in the valise, with what changes of linen I possess; the

the pocket of my haut-de-chausses a purse containing some fifty pistoles-best part of which I had won from

esperate outlook of my fortunes, of which I had made him fully cognisant, he insisted upon clinging to

Augustins and the Rue de la Harpe, we quitted Paris by the St. Michel Gate and took the road to

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