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The Swiss Family Robinson Told in Words of One Syllable

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1099    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

of us, and we saw a troop of apes rush out of the way. But he gave a leap and brought down one that could not climb so fast as the rest, for she had a young one in her arms. Turk made short

ke it home, we put it on Turk's back. Turk did not at first like this, but we soon got him to bear the ape, which held so tight by the hair on the dog's neck that it could not

to reach the bank of the

ere to see us safe back, or with what joy the b

with any of the men of whom we went in search. "God's will be done," said my wife, "let us thank Him that you have come back

was time to sup. Ernest had shot a wild goose, and some fish had been caught in the stream. With these, and the Dutch cheese that we brought from the ship, we made a good meal; but the boys would not rest till we broke some of the n

nd Fritz, and we all slept in peace till t

make floats for the cow, the ass, the sheep, and the goats, throw them in the sea, and tie them with ropes to our raft. We put on board the raft a vast deal of food th

f fear from Fritz, "We are lost! We are lost!

ce more safe. We then got to land, and made fast our freight to the shore. Ere we had done this our friends came to give us what help they could to get the beasts out of the stre

ch sat on a tub. With the knives and forks that we had found in the ship we ate a dish of hot ham a

I was at the wreck she had gone in search of

find one, my

great tree that will serve us well, if we c

e fowls, in a tree? How do you th

n our town in which they built a b

n not build in it, we can at least make use o

ds round. This led me to think that my wife's scheme was by no mean

wn to pray, and then sought a good night's rest, w

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