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The Sword of Deborah

The Sword of Deborah


Chapter 1 A.B.C.

Word Count: 934    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

rticularly to one who, like the writer, has never been able to think in initials, any more than in dates or figures. The members of the B.E.F.-

supplicant, but each is a living thing, coloured, definitely patterned, standing for something in fle

he words East Sixty First, say, are as distinct from East Twenty First, distinct with a whole vivid personality of their own, as Half Moon Street from Threadneedle S

, o, t," and Kitty, with great intelligence, guesses that they mean "When you told me it could never be, did that mean never, or then?" Kitty, if you remember, replies in initials at almost equal length, and

at home in ease, know very little indeed of even what the letters B.E.F. stand for. We have hazy ideas on the subject. Vaguely we know, for instance, that there are women, lots of women, working out in France, though quite at what, beyond nursing, we don't seem to know. Motor drivers ... of course, yes, we have hea

h guide to at least the probable trend of things? How can we expect them to know? And yet knowledge of what every section of the working community is doing w

hat they are doing does not affect you, because it teaches proportion and widens vision-how much mor

only so that I can make you see them too. You are looking through my window, that is all, and it is not even a window that I opened for myself, but that had to be opened for me. If you will realise that I went and saw all I did see, not as myself, but as you, it will give you the idea I am wishful

e nine-tenths my fault

don't just as the very heading of "A.B.C." which I have given this chapter typifies both those combinations of initials and the fact that you and I are beginning at the

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