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The Tenants of Malory


Word Count: 3672    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ate in the Commons-waited for the division,-a

lf regretted his seat in the Commons; there were so many things unsaid that ought to have be

dly be over-estimated in that respect. Poor Arthur might have done very well, but he didn't, and he's gone-about it; and I'm very glad, for your own sake, you are cultivating it; and it would be a very great misfortune, I've bee

g time; but I fancy she's gentle-and fool

es an interest in things which don't interest or-or-interest other young persons; and she likes to be instructed about affairs-and, my dear Cleve, I think where a young person of merit-either rightly or wrongly interpreting what she conceives to be your attentions-becomes decidedly épris of you, she ought to be-a-considered-her

ways been to

st in you, and Miss Caroline Oldys will, I undertake to say

as if taking a doze, and after about five minutes of

, you should marry-about it-and you must have mo

s not one of Caroli

I'm satisfied I fancy you may. I've quite enough for b

g stiffly back with closed eyes, and nodding and

manner in these periods of apparent repos

udicious and worthy person-about it-and you can talk to him, and s

o silence and the sembla

good man. "He has made this alliance for the Oldys and Wimbledon faction, and I'm Mr. Larkin's parti, and am to settle the management of

ooks as if he came from the galleys. We have heard nothing of him for a year or more.

not thinking of any such step yet, at least. He had bu

r, Mr. Dingwell lived his odd life, professing to hate England-certainly in danger there

down by the wall, like a servant at prayers, and get from her all the news of the dingy little neighbourhood, with a running commentary of his own flighty and savage irony, and he would som

deas of beauty, delights of sense, vanities of intellect-all a most comical and frightful cheat-egad! What fun we must be, ma'am, to the spirits who have sight and intellect! I think, ma'am, we're meant for their pantomime-don't you? Our airs, and graces, and dignities, and compliments, and beauties,

han trebling her work by his caprices, and requiting her with his ironies and sneers, finding fault with everything, pretending to miss money out of his desk, and every day threatening to i

ssrs. Levi and Goldshed, with many tears and prayers, that he might depart from her; and Levi looked at Goldshed, and Goldshed at Levi, quite gravely, and Levi winked, and Goldshed

and he was out more or less every night. She used to hear him go out after the little household was in bed, and

ppose, he did not care so much for the seclusion of his fellow-lodge

ming down. She was dumb with terror, for she did not know him, and took him for a burglar, he being somehow tota

ed. She was near fainting, and leaned with her

keep my secret, mind; you

for an hour after, and she uttered a little cry of fright, and he laughed, and glided out of the hall-door, and listened for the tread of a po

She was, however, a saturnine and silent woman, with few acquaintances, and no fancy for collecting or communicating news. There was a spice of danger, too, in

hen in the deep silence of the night she heard the faint creak of his steal

led savagely at the cost of them. They grumbled because grumb

the man who led you into the venture, especially if

o the other for the confirmation of the dolorous and bitter truths he uttered. And the iron safe opened its jaws and disgorged the private ledger of the firm, which ponderous and greasy tome was laid

ay: you never sawed an account like that-never-al

the Bank of England!

'sh all a quaag, and a quickshand-nothing but shink and shwallow, and give ush more"-and as he spoke Levi was knocking the knuckles of his long lean fingers fiercely upon

om regretting their investment, they would not have

always whimperin', and whinin', and swearin' for more-why you'd say, to li

wants just at present

teazin' more; that's what he wants. What he's looking for, of course, is different, only he shan't get it, nohow. And I think, looking at that book there, as I showed you this account in-considering what me

far," said Mr. Larkin; "I have conside

have feelinsh. Think what state our feelinsh is in, looki

ward the door, and th

e alone?" sa

l in your pocket, as old Dingwel

e, as you know, gentlemen, connected with

shed, with unctuous humour; "we'll sta-an' it, b

," echoed Levi; "the gov'nor a

ence. If deception does lurk here-and you know I warned you

ponge, he might, I know,

know that until I am in a position to reduce suspicion to certainty, it would hardly consis

in his berth,"

ght say re-building) the princely mansions of Ware, and of Verney House. He applied much ready money to that object, and has charged the

gh thirty thoushand o'

ounced taypis) "which will further and still more decidedly fix him in his position. It would pain us all deeply, gentlemen, that a premature disclosure of my un

aid Levi, r

ent when it may become my duty to open my suspicions fully to Lord Verney

which he had been sitting, and sweeping the great ledger into his arms, he pit

d a door in the lumbering office table at which he sat. "Don't bri

sers, with a cotton umbrella swinging in his hand,

that for him

with a wink. And Mr. Tomlinson's timid kn

is small pink eyes look their adieux upon Messrs. Goldshed and Levi, on whom his airs and graces are quite lost; and with his slim silk umbrella between his great finger and thumb, he passes loftily by the cotton umbrella of Mr. Tomlinson, and fancies, with a pardonable egotism, that that

asts, also, of many kinds, that were calculated to elate his good humour; and as he stepped into the cab, and the driver waited to know "where," he thought he might as well look in upon the recluse of Rosemary Court, and give him, of course with the

e drove, and walked up the flagged passage to the flagged court-yard, and knocked at the door, an

l, I trust. Your spiritual concerns flourishing to-da

nswered Mr. Larkin, with a bow which was

riosity, too, active within her, intense and rather ghastly, about all that concerned him. She did not care, therefore, to get up and go away from the small hole in

your letter, and a copy of my own? If we draw swords, egad, s

mble, standing up, and expe

old turban. I beg your pardon; but I want you to understand tha

tate totally ruining yourself,"

I'll make a clean breast of it-everything-ha, ha,

on was circumscribed, his prescience small. He looked at the beast he had imported, and wished him in

e manageable than at first; on the contrary, rather more insan

at me properly? You know my circumstances, and you want to practise on my

command yourself," remonstrated

shabby, canting attorney? I'd better be where I was, or in kingdom come. By Allah

en a shot and killed them both, the debaters in the drawin

who had been expecting thi

ure, and observing with a balmy condescension, "A sweet day, Mrs. Rumble," appeared in the hall, shook h

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