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The Third Degree

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 3019    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ged behind banks of flowers, were filled with people. In the air was the familiar buzz always present in a roo

come! How well you'

the club, playing poker,

h a terri

I should say so. I bounc

affairs awef

come. I always enj

perfectly delightful. I'll

s psyc

do with reli

en having drea

ou at th

she loo

nk it's ju

the room soon presented an animated scene. The women in their sma

do you do this evening?" e

looking man who had just entered. Directly he came in voi

Brewster, the

eminent jurist whose brilliant address to the jury in a recent

ht not have been his for the asking, but he had no taste for politics. After serving with honor for some years on the bench he retired into private practice, and thereafter his name became one to conjure with in the law courts. By sheer power of his matchless oratory and unanswerable logic he won case after case for his clients and it is a tribute to his name to record the plain fact th

nced with e

with a gracious smile. "I hardly dared hop

d good-humoredly as

I came to see you." Looking around he

rt, nervous, explosive sentences, which h

a as she nervously fanned herself, and looke

t to," interrupted grimly Mr. Jeffr

arrival and the lawyer cont

st now, after your splendid

r shook his h

to claim our attention. The trouble with this country is that we have too much law. If I were to be

se, eh?" said Mr. Jeffries, int

. We are going to bring suit against the city. It's really a test case that shoul

elevated hi

ed. "What have the p

ked at his cli

the inhabitants of terror-stricken Russia. Take a police official of Captain Clinton's type. His only notion of the law is brute force and the night stick. A bully by nature, a man of the coarsest instincts and enormous physical strength, he loves to play the tyrant. In his precinct he poses as a kind of czar and fondly imagines he has the power to administer the law itself. By his brow-beating tactics, intolerable under Anglo-Saxon government, he is turning our police force into a gang o

ing with the criminal population of a great city, they cannot wear kid gloves, but Captain

u, is of excellent family and irreproachable character. My client and his lawyer tried to show Captain Clinton that he had made a serious blunder, but he brazened it out, claiming on the stand that the girl was an old offender

pe to bring abo

avory. Charges of graft have been made against him time and time again, but so far nothing has been proved. To-day

stein, the celebrated psychologist, the centr

laborately dressed than her neighbor, and loaded down with rar

ly to a fat woman with impossible blond hair and a ro

londe. Gushingly she added: "How perfect

id Alicia, pleased at

and your tiara simply

always so delightful

ion to some newcomers. With a laugh she left the group and hurried toward

xclaimed the blonde. "The cheek of

l made up, too,

awfully stupid, don't you

al leader. I only come here because it amuses me to see what a fool she makes of herself. Fancy a woman

t scamp, Robe

he dances after her? I'm surprised Mr. J

why he's not here to-night. It's the first time

r day? I was told that Underwood had again been caught cheating at

remendous price for it on the false representation that it was a genuine Corot. My friend found out afterward that he

e were discussing Mr. Jeffries as h

ries has aged recently? He n

e's had. Of course you know what a

Married a chorus girl an

n a restaurant. She's very common; her father died in prison. You can imagine the

ng with Judge Brewster. She was leaning on the arm

uch interest?" she demanded, a

linton and his detestable pol

awyer, "allow me to introduce Dr. Bern

ed low, as he re

wster has spread to ev

the face of the famous law

st your book, 'Experimental Psychology.' Do you know," he went on earnestl

etly, "that we're only on the thr

d guests were congenial, Alicia left them

for centuries the mechanism of the body, but he

in smiled a

t of late we have made remarkable strides. Although it is a comparatively new science, you will probably be astonished to learn that there are to-day in the United States fifty psychological laboratories. That is to say, workshops fully equipped with every device known for the probing of the human brain.

ost interesting. Think of laboratories solely devoted to d

for a moment

icine. It is, I take it, the very foundation of mental healing, but what


d be clear to the judge and the jury. Just think how your powers would be increased if by your skill in psychological observation you could convince the jury that your client, who was about to be convicted on circumstantial evidence alone, was really innocent of the crime of which he was charge

n that any one trained to read my mind c

t mathematical accuracy just how your mental mechanism is working. I admit it sound

p and took th

e you in this way. Come with me. I want to introduce you to a most charmi

ughed the judge. "I see enough

istant music room came the sound of a piano and a beautiful soprano voice. The rooms were now crowded an

and, quietly approaching Alicia, hande

e messenger said it was very import

derwood. Was not her last message enough? How dare he address her again and at such

o a living death, but as I prefer death shall not be partial, but full and complete oblivion, I take this means of letting you know that unless you revoke y

t Und

d of so easily. How dare he-how dare he? The coward-to think that she could be frightened by such a threat. What did she care if he killed himself? It would be good riddance. Yet suppose he was

usic and the chatter of her guests. She must go to see Underwood at once, that was certain, and her visit must be a secret o

re to be home in the evening. He mentions Monday morning.

ia! A

and Mr. Jeffries

sked. "I was looking everywhere for you.

hat's all," replied Alic

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