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The Third Degree

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2259    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

gown as it swept along the floor. She was incensed with him, of course, but she had come. That was all he asked. She had come in time to save him. He would talk to her and explain everything

e might yet avert the shameful end of the suicide.

u, you've come-this is

and took a seat. Then, turning

nd me such a message?" Drawing from her bag the le

xpect to gain

e angry,

knew the seductive power of his voice. Often he had used it an

by that name,

paler and, folding his arms, just looked at

st sh

verything's over between us.

ange," replied Underwood earnestly.

of her shoulders, express

mockingly. "You love

to her and there was a tre

uined my life. You didn't destroy my love-you couldn't kill that. You may forbid me everything-to see you-to speak to you-even to think of you, but I can never forget that you are the only woman I ever ca

. It was only with difficulty that she cont

cause I found that you were deceiv

d. "I may have trifled with oth

essly inspected one of the pictures on th

know what your friendship for a woman means. It means that you would drag her down to your own level and disgrace her as well as yourself. Thank God, my eyes are now opened to your true character. No self-respecting woman could afford to allow her name

train which the man was under. In the excitement he had forgotten about Howard's presence on the divan behind the screen. A listener might have

he sake of Au

t to kill yourself. Why should you kill yourself? Only cowards do that. Because you are in trouble? That is the coward's way out. Leave New York. Go where you are not known. You are still young. Begin life over again, somewhere

ng," muttered Un

terrible crime, not only against yourself, bu

d shook

mise n

icia. "I won't stir from her

at her c

erest for you, why sho

roused his visitor's wrath. Crumpling up his l

ter of being the cause of your death-I, who have been your friend in spite o

his shoulders. Cy

cern for me as for yourse

s flashed as

he shame of being associated in any way with a

hat some of the scandal might reach as far a

ght. She ought to have guessed his character long ago and had nothing to do with him. He seemed desperate enough to do anything, yet she d

etched marriage of his only son. You know how deeply


Alicia, I tell you I'm desperate. I'm hemmed in on all sides by creditors. You know what your friendship-your patronage means? If you drop me now, your friends will follow-the

handsome furnishings, A

len from them. Your acquaintance with me has given them the opportunity. But now I've found you out. I refuse any longer to sacrifice my friends, my self-respect, my sense of decency." Angrily she continued: "You thought you could bluff me. You've

. She was practically pronouncing his death sentence, yet he could not help thinking how pretty she looked. W

coiled, f

u going to d

d smiled

id to me, I still think too much of you for that." Replacing the pistol in the drawe

im in silence. Then, co

The pistol display was highly theatrical, but it was only a bluff. You've no more idea of taking your life than I have of ta

pt to follow her. In a hard, strange voice, which

ll you hav

hly understood that your presence at my house is not desired. If you

e deathly pallor of his face. Opening the door of t

didn't mean what you sai

thing," replied U

her head

to carry out his threat." Stuffing the letter back into her bag, she added: "I should have th

echoed Underwo

ck into the room and sat down at his desk. For ten minutes he sat there motionless, his head bent forward, every

mmer must go under some time. I've played my last card and I've lost. Death is better than going

and close to death, he saw with surprising distinctness a kaleidoscopic view of his past life. He saw himself an innocent, impulsive school boy, the pride of a devoted mother, the happy home where he spent his childhood. Then came the association with bad companions, the first step in wrongdoing, stealing out of a comrade's pocket in sch

e electric light in the room disconcerted him. It occurred to him that it would be easier in the dark. Reaching out his arm, he turned the electric button, and the room was immediately plunged into darkness, except f

derwood raised the pisto

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