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The Trail of Conflict

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2141    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Peter had beguiled Glamorgan to the library for a smoke. The oil-king had cast a gloom over the dinner. Was it because he was disturbed about Nicholas Fairfax, Jerry wondered. To the amaze

the time that she did not love Bruce Greyson, but that she was in love with love. In a way her life had been a lonely one, and when he had pleade

g achieved worth-while things, of being absolutely poised and self-assured. His dark hair was tending toward neutral at the temples, his keen blue eyes had fine lines radiating from

he was a charming, younger model of her sister, except that where Jerry's eyes were brown, Peggy's were a somewhat elfish hazel. She was making the most of

est. I hate being trodden on." Her laughing eyes and mi

r," promised Steve. He had taken an immense liking to the girl, she wa

me saying 'I will' to that. Jerry's different. She'd walk over the proverbial ploughshares if she thought duty called." She looked across the room to wher

" demanded Steve

uiltily beneath

s strange that Jerry should meet him here after-after

y cry las

he confided in a tone intended to reach Steve. She made an impudent little face at her brother-in-law over her partner's shoulder. He smiled and blew her a kiss as she danced away but her words hurt, hurt because he knew that she was right. He felt years older than he had that epoch-making October

was and not give occasion for silly gossip. Already Felice Denbigh, who had motored out from town for dinner, h

with aggressive formality. In the midst of a sentenc

" he apologized, "but the temptation to live over a perfect friendship was to

at him. Was it because Peg had put the idea into his head or did they look as though they had known recent tears?

we d

graceful. He could feel her heart pound heavily against his breast. One might think that she was frightened, but with him-that was absurd. Her dancing like her

nses still throbbing from the appeal o

gh is quite alone and looking horribly bored. Peg seems to have appropriated more than her

first." He changed his position so that he

id you

r the tiny curls at the

You really should go and

ou tell me w

ven't bee

s you h

of the velvet tread. As they left the room in the wake of their guests

hurriedly and when Judson answered i

le Nick. I may no

rving supper. She stopped in the shadow of the doorway. Up-stairs the spirit of an old, weary man was passing, here-the room and its furnishings made a rich background for the shimmering satin of dainty gowns; the fireli

t! It stood for all the background she had acquired by her marriage. She loved the old seventeenth century Courtlandt, she held long, one-sided conversations with him when she was sure that she was quite alone. He had given her to understand that a marriage

impatiently for Steve. Jerry made his apologies and explained his absence. The voices of the guests became hushed

ed. Then as Jerry shook her head, "If-if

o frighten you. Why should there be i

you so brave, Jerry? Once you would have dreaded it

ed soldiers. I have seen so much and felt so much, that death has seemed beau

about one. She couldn't blame her sister. Old Nick had been consistently disagreeable to her and Peg was too young to take into consideration his age and illnes

a start! I was just coming for you. Mr

Courtlandt was behind him. Greyson, as rigid and immovable as one of the mountains of his own country, stood at the foot of the bed. Doctor Rand, his face grave and deeply lined, motioned the girl to take her place opposite Steve, then he and the nurse and Greyson moved back to the outer room. A

he commanded in a voice whi

ingly, huskily at first, but as she lost thought of self

r after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony and forsaki

the book. The Old man leaned forward

to him as long as ye both-shall live,' did

from Steve. She laid her hand gently over the icy hand on

, Uncl

back with a

have-but I meant it for the best-it will come right Doc Rand

is face disappeared as though a soothing hand had been laid upon them.

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