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The Trail of Conflict

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 3208    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ave labeled the picture she made, "A Study in Browns," before he slipped it into his mental portfolio. Her mount, Patches, was a deep mahogany in color, her ridi

ts with its gold and black cord. He had insisted upon her using it. The hats she had brought to the ranch had been urban affairs,

cleft rocky bluffs, then coiled and foamed its way until it broadened and flashed in gleaming waterfalls. In places where it boiled and frothed rustic bridges had been thrown across. Toward the east lay the sturdily built stock

peaks flamed crimson in the slanting sun. Toward the north she could see the gap in the mountains through which the railroad cut. The gap was known as the Devil's Hold-up because of the natur

ies of the Double O at the office near by. The house was a rambling structure of rudely squared timbers set in fieldstone and cement. Its on

r barns until night. She had hardly believed her eyes when on the evening after her arrival, she had seen Steve and Tommy Benson, his secretary, come into the living-room in dinner coats. Courtlandt had answered her unspoken question with the explanation that it had bee

pink and white as human skin can be after it has been ranch-seasoned, his lips seemed made for laughter. He and Steve had been officers in the same company and when they returned from overseas the two had gone to the ranch to recuperate. Tommy had remained there to please his mother. He was in the throes of a virulent attack of stage fever and Mrs.

of the immortals, Jerry thought with a smile. She had ridden since she was a little girl but Tommy was making her proficient in some hair-raising stunts. Steve didn't know of those but

nineties had lured men through miles of wilderness. Jerry often sat on the wall beside the mail-box to await his coming. He always had news and a quaint bit of philosophy if he hadn't letters. Letters! There weren't many for her. She had had hosts of friends in school and college but she heard from them seldom now. Her conscience administered a vicious pinch. Yes, it was quite all her fault, she answered it. The girls apparently had adored her, but she had been unable to accept their devotion wi

aloud. Conditions were reversed now as to money, she thought as she stared unseeingly off at the mountain tops which pricked the crimsoning sky. Steve had the income from his uncle's large property as long as he remained on the ranch.

rider topped the slope. It was Courtlandt on his favorite mount, Blue Devil, a horse all spirit, shining blue-black satin. He was a reg

thes, she thought. He wore a black tie with his khaki shirt, his heavy riding breeches were tucked into the tops of high boots which laced up the front and had curious sloping heels. He had removed one of his riding gloves and the dark stone of his ring, w

ked like one of Dallin's bronzes. Whe

ways at my heels. I love to come up here alone and,

up? Your expression belied you. Instead

iendliness as she bent forward and

ious that she was making matters worse. "I'm about at the end of my stamp book and-and-I've developed a sudden fervor for letter writing and-and--" s

uestion between you and me has got to be cleared up, and cleared up now. You

rouse sleeping dogs-but-but I won't take it. I do nothing for you-if I even had anything to do about the house but Ming an


hroat. What did he mean? He

ntly. She put on her hat, tig

face. There was an expression in his eyes

do so tremendously by taking over the accounts and my correspondence. Tommy's had that job but I need him

o it, Steve. Shall I have a desk

ee to accep

ant to be paid

horse's head t

private secretary." As she did not answer he looked at her wi

crutiny. With an adorable imita

ow shall we mosey 'long home?" With a touch of spur

orses trotted side by side along the hard whit

n the outfit who have not taken out first naturalization papers, even, who had been pointing out to my boys defi

against freedom

s country but a guest? If a man came to stay in my home and began a systematic underminin

t, Chief," with Gerrish's drawl

gh when an honest-to-God citizen breaks loose and turns red, but for a man who is here by courtesy-well, as I remarked before, the

f human slow-match timed to fire a mine of discontent, aren't they? And half the time the m

rom her horse and dropped the reins. Patches loped quietly but determinedly in the direction of the corral and supper. Blue Devil, with a reproachful glance at the deserter, followed daintily in the steps of his maste

t vituperative epithets a rich and racy vocabulary could suggest. Below him Goober sat on his haunches. Between barks his tongue dripped, his mouth hung open as though in riotous laughter. His tawny

ng guest sa

not choos

ake on that


hands over her ears and dashed into the house. Steve whistled. The dog bounded in his direct

as though he were about to offer an explanation when the gaudy pa

m, Bo! L

of the house. He swept off his hat with a wide bow. His face had the look of

at wild devil of a dog that makes my leetle Beni

eyes. He took his knees in an affectionate embrace. "He sure is one

s the parti-colored bird settled on the Mexican's shoulder. As José left the court wi

all the

Courtlandt, who was regarding the ranch-house door unseeingly

is't w

end your eye

, Tommy. Has Pete Gerr

satiny nose and rested his face against it as he as

brows met in

a man can get away with rustling in this enlightened twen

f the world claimed in 1914

ommy. I'm going to take you off

can do now without turning detectives. You'd think that Gerrish had just been put in charge of a new outfit. He's on location every minute, re?stimating the number of head each pasture should carry, weighing up the stock, sifting out the undesirables. Take it

g time together, don't you?" Benson

don't like to talk

andt l

take Jerry if she cares to go. Beat it down to the corral with Blue Dev

y of a monkey, wheeled his ho

ll that may

do more

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