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Linda Carlton's Hollywood Flight

Linda Carlton's Hollywood Flight



Word Count: 2435    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

the Carltons' home in Spring City and whizzed up the driveway to the porch steps. As it stopped at the entra

iddle-aged woman sitting on the porch. "An

" returned Miss


Have you hea

, of course, that Linda has set her heart on taking some sort o

" protested Dot. "This is th

She ought to be home some time today. If sh

very minute she gets back. You know Ralph leaves for college tomorrow, and h

iece. The young man, whose father happened to be the wealthiest citizen o

e she arrives. At least-if she do

go. In her haste she almost bumped into a messenger-boy, who a

om her seat and step

dreadful has happened!"

ilent. An awful tenseness seemed to hang over the peaceful September

her!" she cried in sudden reli

y's attention to the skies. A plane-yes, with the rotors that proclaimed it an autogi

x young people in the roadster had all jumped out and were racing to

once again the girl who had been through so many catastr

e accompanied the young people

Linda's famous autogiro, descended to the earth, and the slender, p

, dashing forward fo

especially tender caress for her Aunt Emily, w

ering, the tall, good-looking young man w

" suggested Kit Hulbert

k her head

hose idea of bliss was to sleep. "Don't blame you a bit, Linda. A fellow can't

?" inquired Miss Emily Carlton


. I'll tell you all about it later-if anyth

ed Kit, as they all turned back toward

, and five for a bite to eat," she replied. "And if Au

Carlton came down the stairs. Clad in a blue silk suit the color of her eyes, her beautiful blond hai

ing's car, elastic as it seemed to be, could not be stretched to accommodate two extra passengers

ned Ralph, as he watched Linda take

you in the movi

from us!" protested Jim Va

d Dot, as she squeezed into Linda's c

at you occupy much room, Dot." He started his engine. "Hurry up,

walked quietly, in order to make as little disturbance as possible. Even Sara Wheeler

eated than the most extraordinary piece of news was flashed on the screen. As i


amous as you, Linda!" whispered Dot

icture of the famous aviatrix was shown. W

stume, smiled and turned


their joys and secrets ever since their experiences in the Okefenokee Swamp together, and it did not seem possible that Linda would

e revelation as Dot, and even more hurt than the l

whom the announcer had proclaimed to be Linda Carlton was tall and slender, and in her flier's suit and helmet,

whispered to Dot. "That's s

Dot, unconvinced. "Don'

ered Kit, leaning over from her seat beside Ra

regard to the fact that they were supposed to keep quiet. People around them showed perceptible s

did not even see it. Inside she was seething at the very idea of anything so preposterou

n some mysterious errand connected with flying! Didn't the girl look like her-why, they were sure it was Linda! And they were thrilled,

er, Dot," urged Linda, as the other car d

ing what kind of explanation Linda was go

e Carltons' house. They did not stop on the porch,

wood, Linda?" inquired Miss Carlton, as

ckert-you remember, the head of the Air School at St. Louis, where I took

stunt flying you'll have to do for the pictures." A look of distress passed over her face.... "Linda, I

into a chair

unt Emily-and Dot.

ming next, they both co

found me pretty truthfu

ver doubts your word. But you never promised me that you wouldn't go into t

. That girl you saw today impersonating me is a fake. I never signed a

, and, dashing across the room,

ad, Linda!

reathed a long

that girl!" she exclaimed. "T

he can get away w

ining with indignation. "I'm going to fly right

so!" remarked her aunt in amazemen

aling your good name. That's just what that girl's doing. Making me cheap. As if I w

bit, dear!" agreed Mi

that Linda must have already formulated a plan during th

plied, emphatically. "Th

?'" quoted Dot, from the old

mily-actually thought I was fooling, how could I convince a strange director by merely sendi

dmitted Miss Carlton. "B

llywood tomorrow, after I give th

ghed, this time

be home onl

t go. I just have to. I'll stop and s

ted up with sud

th you, Lind

ted. "Oh, Dot, would y

safer," put in

... Oh, Linda, think of seeing Hollywood. The movies being m

," cautioned Miss Carlton. "You kn

promised Linda, thankful that her aunt

t?" inquired Dot, as she ros

hink I was going back to complete my contract. No; he's peeved-le

resigned tone, as she, too, left the room, to do her part in

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