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The Two Elsies A Sequel to Elsie at Nantucket, Book 10

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1680    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

o our prospec

ffee, omelet and rolls, strawberries and cream, the principal subject of discourse being the expec

ate the first anniversary of the marriage of Edward and Zoe, and had readil

ral of the others eagerly echoing her words, and they had answered t

for so long an absence from home; of the anticipated pleasures of the voyage and the proposed lengthene

, entirely congenial in opinions and

yesterday a large price for one of his paintings; and as Elsie and he were essen

gay this morning, and life seemed v

ere just leaving the table when a se

ewspapers and magazi

ng to write to him to-day," remarked Le

"I'll leave you to the enjoyment of it while I give my orders for the day," she added,

pon your unworthy husband, you will find him on the veranda

hange had come over him! All his gayety had forsaken him, his face wa

is it?" she cried, hastening to him and

her,-Eric's letter, whose sad tidings seemed for the ti

wn the page

have grown worse, till my days and nights are filled with pain and unrest; and today I have learned that the time has come for me to set my house

each 'that bourne whence no traveller returns,' but that in al

and baby-boy spend it here with us; and to me it seems that there are few pleasanter places than this little home-nest of ours high up on the rocky banks of the grand old Hud

go down into it leaning on the strong arm of my

s more congenial to your tastes and wishes. If so, let me not interfere with them; consider my request


e the signature from

nd trials are almost over, the battle nearly ended, the victory well-nigh won;

ther to me, and, oh, how can I learn to live withou

part any more forever," Elsie said softly, with her arm about her husband's neck, while

er in a clo

er," he said, "I can never be unh

, dearest," she responde

r Eric instead of with


not ask so great a sacr

ill go to him instead, and I know it will be with mamma's approval, grandpa's also. Ah, here they both come!"

h the quick eye of affection the mother at once noted the sadness of her daughter's countenance, of Le

handed her Eri

n the soft brown

request from Lester, she p

insmore had finished reading, then the el

uld be to have you with us, I could not wish you t

her daughter, quickly, glancing tenderly at her husband as

y you should not accompany us on our voyage, spend a few da

le wife approves of that


If you are quite sure it will not delay u

k," returned Lester; "so we

k people have recovered, even after being given up by the doctors. We know, too, that with God nothing is impossible, and that He is the hearer and

her's safety in any case. He is one who has lived the life of a Christian for years,

f all God's promises ever fails, and to each of His child

do not let us hinder you," said Mr. Dinsmore. "We are going to

ite at once," Lester replie

change in your intended preparations, w

ot need to have any new dresses made; indeed, I think I have already a full supply

trip as soon as any of us?" he

start this evening if desired to

the test," he said, "b


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