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The Two Elsies A Sequel to Elsie at Nantucket, Book 10

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 2660    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

hypocrisy, w

and demurely

agger underne


rs in the veranda at Ion, a train was speeding sout

wish and gratify it if in his power, was extremely comfortable, and found great enjoyment, now in chatting gaily with hi

as attracted to something

onductor, passing down

and his wife's. They were

d on, repeating hi

Edward, but now turning her head, she saw there two young women of pleasing appearance, evidentl

" he was saying; "these are

?" asked the younger of the two girls

h, did we but know English! I do not understand, sir; I do not know one word yo

says, sir?" asked the

s not understand English," replied Edward, "and I think

y mother tongue. Perhaps you will do

he young woman, Edward asked in G

lain that the ticket she had offered the conductor would not

id. "Is not this the r

h, and Utah lies toward th

exclaimed in distress. "Will th

t there for a train going back to Cincinnati; it seems it must have been there

oking sadly bewild

man; "we would be glad to help you, and if you like to tell u

and destitute in Norway, their native land, and after a hard struggle of several months had fallen in with a Mormon missionary, who gave them glowing accounts of Utah, telling them it was the paradise of the poor; that if they would go with him and beco

leaving their dear, native land; but so bright was the picture

l to old neighbors and friends, and set sail for America in co

they landed was so entirely unfit for travel that they were compelled to remain behind for several weeks, and at an expense that so rapidly dimin

hem buy before leaving them, and knowing no choice, and believing all his wily misre

e sure of not again straying from the right path? Kind sir, can you, will you, give us some advice? Could I i

ill consider that question presently; b

dow; for the train had come to a sudden standstill in a bit of woods where there seemed n

ad, sir," wa

his seat, and was hastening to aligh

here any dange

f I leave you for a moment to learn how

ot to get into danger," she said, with some

ng pale and anxious, aske

rs-and that the broken fragments were lying on the track, and

e news that there would be a

light exclamati

orse. And, do you know, I trust it will prove to have been a good providence; inasmuch as i

ng; "I do hope so! Let us tell them all about

ne again-in German as before-you tell me what are the

le teaches it; else how could I have listened to him? how consented to go with him?

that they teach and

deed! It surely

sermon preached August 29, 1852, said: 'The Latter-day Saints have embraced the doctrine of a plurality of wives as a part of their religious

e sure of it?" she cried. "Not a word of such a doctrine was s

catch in their net; to them they exalt the Bible and Christ; but when the poor dupes reach their promised paradise, and are unable to esc

" exclaime

ooked grea

single if they choose?

ives will be kings in the celestial world, and their wives queens; while those who have but one wife-though they will reach heaven, if they are faithf

y desire to have many wives, and wi

d to recruit the Mormon ranks and s

race Mormonism, and these are sent on in advance of the parties of emigrants. The Mormon

n seizes the girl he has chosen by photograph, and drags her away, often shrieking for help, which no one gives. I h

arm, her cheek paling, h

nesses; you know we gave them to him, su

tine, with quivering lips. "I know not what is to become of us, penniless i

illing to work need starve in this good land; and my hu

isters in a breath; "it is all we as

Edward; "what were you

hought to raise vegetables and fruits; fowls, too, and perhaps bees; but we

all those things well, there will be no

ion. "We have no money to pay our way to travel far;

uiring half entreating; but he seemed

without wounding the pride of independence, whi

there is plenty of such work as you want in our own. If you like, I will advance your travelling

r was accepted wi

some time longer, and presently th

if a Mormon's first wife was always

e exclaimed; "ho

ed very wicked if she refuses her conse

veral children, were seated about their table taking a meal, wh

jected. Upon that he rose from his seat, went to her, and, h

" asked Christine, while

rmon priesthood to a higher place in the chur

eed!" they cried in asto

ould t

ons of Scripture, that the blood of Christ is insufficient to atone for all sin, they assert that for some sins the blood of

inations, and was the ground for not only excusing the horrible crime of

sister. Yet it is not the worst of their crimes; we have it upon the testimony of credible witnesses-Christian citizens of Salt Lake City-that their temples and tithing-houses are 'built up by extortion and cemented with the blood of men, women, and children whose only offence was that they we

stine. "Are they not afraid of the judgments

Bible speaks of some whose conscie

wickedness and oppression

fficult to answer without bringing a heavy charge against our law-makers at Washington;

of the land we love!" cried Zoe, wi

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