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The Unknown Wrestler


Word Count: 2506    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nd longed to know something about them. Why were they thus appealing to the crowds for money? The man did not seem like the ordinary street musician, as there was something dignified and refined i

e that, sir;

and saw the police serge

o they are?" Do

kids that I feel sorry for them, and so ord

But, say, I didn't know you were on this

ou know him, I think; he was with me for a whi

e well. He helped us

beat, as I was on it so long. It is too tame up here, an

right, didn't you, especial

enes came to his mind. "But it's quiet at the docks now

nd you won't see me th

ht to have one more l

y!" the sergeant ex

s abou

without you! There'll be no one to take

ll be plent

llow your lead. Not a bit of it! They're too much taken up with their pink teas,

is temper was rising. Douglas had heard his opinions

geant. I shall always r

a call, sir? The missus will

nd as soon as I ca

stood and watched

've always said we couldn't keep him forever, and I guess I was right. It must be a mighty big thing that

reached the street running along the front of the harbour. It was a narrow street, dimly lighted, with huge warehouses on both sides. There was little traffic now, as this was a winter port, and the big ocean liners did not come here during the summer months.

to watch them, as at other times, but kept steadily on until he reached the last dock which was entirely deserted. One electric light shed its beams out over the water, which was kept burning as a guide to incoming boats. Down th

rection. He thought of the last time he had visited this place, and how the dock then was the scene of such hustling commotion, for a big ocean liner was all ready to leave. She had gone and had left not a visible trace behind. So it would be with him, he mused. Soon he himself would be away, and the life of the city would go on the same and none would remember him. His thoughts drifted to the principal ones who were responsible for his going, and his face hard

ing away-he knew not whither, defeated for a while but not beaten. He had the future befo

f the darkness stepped a man and a woman, and passed directly under the electric lamp. He saw their faces distinctly, especially the woman's, which was strained and haggard, as she listened to her companion. As they came nearer and stood close to the edg

e, Ben; you really

but we must wait a

know how serious it is if we delay much long

n stamped angrily upon

hly. A few weeks won'

you think?" t

six, I shou

ll be too late. It must

it will not be

se," the man s

your heart, and hold your right hand up to heaven, and swear by Hi

laugh came from

elieve me?"

less yo

t, so that's

she said Douglas could not hear. Whatever it was

u can go to the snivelling old id

id a hand upon his arm, "ho

ld recover herself she had gone backwards over the edge of the dock. With a frightened cry she disa

peered over the edge, and at length saw a hand thrust above the surface. It took him but an instant to tear off his coat and hurl himself into the water below. A few powerful strokes brought him close to the woman, and he was enabled to reach out and clutch her with a firm grip ere she again disappeared. Fortunate i

s the order. Soon the

he woman were

there? A woman?"

the brief

nically remarked. "Screamed wh


ll do that. It was he

as this common?" Dou

ty odd years in and around this harbour aff

e of a tugboat which was lying at its wharf. It did not take

quired. "I want to see whether

an't knock the likes of her out with a little dip

tern, and when the light fell upon the woman's

ance. The hospital's the place fer her. She'll have a decent place fer the night, anyway

reach the drug-store, where he sent in a hurry call for the ambulance. He paid no attention to the curious looks cast upon his drenched figure by several peo

e tug, he found the o

he now?"

and the boatman swung aro

jet-black hair, forming a striking contrast to the face which was so very white. It was a face of considerable beauty, though lines of care were plainly visible. She

d their freedom?" he asked

that you say?"

ermitted to have their freedom,

the dee

n she was pushed into the water by her companion.

e the ones who suffer while the men get s

om the tug to the ambulance, and when the car

night, sir. But for your timely assistance I fe

a hand. It does one good sometimes to help a poor creature in distress. But you had be

do feel chilly,

ant any help with that scoundrel, just call

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