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The Unknown Wrestler


Word Count: 2404    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

re can he be? I have phoned to him six times and can get no answer. I shall not call him again. I'm really glad he's going for h

ectual sermons. He was particularly at home when dealing with the Major and Minor Prophets or on the Textual Criticism of the Bible. Regular Pastoral Visitation he disliked, and left most of such work to his curate, though occasionally he called upon the most influential members of his floc

king of the dinner he had that evening with his Bishop. He knew that the position of Archdeacon was vacant, and he was fondly hoping that

deeply of the prospects of his advancement, when his

r. Rannage chided, as he motioned his visito

ook the proffered chair. "I intended to be

l paper-weight as he spoke, "and was forced to leave in the midst of

discussing?" Do

e submerged population of our city; that is, those unfor

e at any defin

ave just mentioned, I was for

f helping the unfortunate, I was rescuin

s words. But Dr. Rannage did not seem to notice the implied

eh?" the latter questioned. "Yo

because I am not allowed to continue t

e a duty to the parish as a whole,

in season and out of season, and worked like

ociable, and that you refuse all invitations to,

day School, and dear knows what? Any spare time I had I spent at the water-front in an effort to follow my Master's example of putting my religion into practice. How dare I waste my ti

m you speak so contemptuousl

ing the salt of the earth and better than others, I am afraid little can be done. They dislike me because I speak my mind too freely, an

ard, and he winced, for he knew how true they were. "If that is the feeling you entertain for innocent amus


do you in

is a complete blank. Something will turn up, I su

swung suddenly around on his swivel

t," was

e the idea of your going from me with nothin

f it, though I know

Rixton, and the Bishop and I were much impressed with him. He is very wealthy, so I understand; has a large sawmill, and carries on extensive lumbering operations. He is greatly conc

ast one leave?

a most difficult parish, composed principally of mill-men, woodsmen, and a few farmers. It seems that the las

it, do you?" and Douglas look

are just the ma

kes you

such people. You were born i

your boys, and has just been ordained. Would it not be

n, you know, and we could no

though I never for a moment imagined tha

what?" Dr. Ra

er is influential and can influence those in authority, so he is booked for an important charge in Silver

hat way," Dr. Rannage retorted. "If you continue,

entleman's son, and understands the ways of polite society. Mark my words, his career will be followed with great interest, and everything

e asked. "That is the only conclusion I

ding to what he is and does, irrespective of what his father is, or any influence he may exert. The Church is the last place where such

stood with his hat in h

te amused at his curate's words, and considered them merely the outburst of a h

efully," was his reply. "If I decide

t to leave the room. "There is something I almost overlo

er gave it to me

ight, and I mentioned that you had sent i

he members were deli

to your earnest work, and as a token of appreciation they asked me to give you this," and Dr. Rannage handed the young

very carefully. In fact, he looked at it so long wi

was slowly stealing over Douglas' face. "I took it upon myself to ask s

Douglas replied, "but something far more import

so," was the r

hest in

do with that cheque?" Dr.

lus last Easter, according to the Year Book," Do

that is the main reason why we are in such excellent financial condition. The

as he held forth the cheque. "It must have wrung the

out of appreciation for you

ve they become

't they bee

ked them for a few hundred dollars last fall to rent a building as a shelter for the unfortunate on the w

fended. "As I told you, they are all good business men, a

ave anything to do with it. The return in lives helped and souls saved did not trouble them in the least. But now, when they know that I am going

ys prided himself upon his self-control, but such a charge made b

" he demanded. "Ever since you entered

and telling it plainly is being ugly, then I plead guilty. I question if what I have said will be of any benefit t

rted. "It is absolutely ridiculous that I should be talked t

. "Well, then, I wish to show you and the members of t

erately tore it into bits, and then, crossing t

now," he quietly remar

is astonishment, the study door opened

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