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The Wing-and-Wing

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 5593    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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ilance and means of observation to detect the circumstance that the stranger, while he steered into the bay with so much confidence, had contrived to bring up at a point where not a single gun from the batteries could be brought to bear on him; while his own shot, had

al mystification of the Mediterranean; and the questions put had been answered in a way to satisfy all scruples for the moment. The "From whence came ye?" asked, however, in an Italian idiom, had been answered by "Inghilterra, touching at Lisbon and Gibraltar," all regions beyond distrust, as to the plague, and all happening, at that moment, to give

te il vostro




those of his companions' ears, and then to inquire of one who professed to understand English, but whose kno

ry, not a little puzzled "what ze dev

a barca, Signori Inglesi

alled ze Wing-and-Wing--'Ala e Ala,'" giving a v

ooking at each other in surprise, and then laughing, t

truck the listeners as sufficiently absurd. In confirmation of the fact, however, the lugger hoisted a small square flag at the end of her main-yard, on which were painted, or wrought, two large wings, as they are sometimes delineated in heraldry, with the beak of a galley between them; giving the whole con

ch he served, kept his station on board a felucca to which he belonged, watching the movements of the lugger; while the girl had taken her stand on the quay, in a position that better became her sex, since it removed her from immediate contact with the rough spirits of the port, while it enabled her to

for he was soon suffered to land. At this instant, Ghita passed near the group, and took a close and keen survey of the stranger's form and face, her own person being so enveloped in a mantle as to render a recognition of it difficul

of your company at his house, which stands so near us, hard by here, in the principle street, as will make i

utes shall prove to him how eager I am to salute him"; then turning to the crew of his boat, he ordered them

o Viti, would fain ask a few questions, in the

"have you English taken to sailing luggers

ggled from France into my country, I will answer your question. I think you have never navigated as far north as the Bay of Biscay an

d of," answered 'Maso simply; "is i

ge, but of which the English have been masters this many an age. It is an island subject to King George, but which is still ha

hat doubts of her character obtruded; but if her captain's account could only be substantiated, there was an end of distrust. What could be more natu

conference, the pilot communicated all he had to say--both his suspicions and the seeming solution of the difficulties; and then he took his leave, after receiving

at his residence, on the hill, and he will expect me to do him the f

ling--a building which has since become celebrated as having been the residence of a soldier who came so near subjugating Europe. Vito Viti was a short, pursy man, and he took his time to ascend the stairs-resembling street; but

ere is an affectation, in all governments, most especially in those which care little for literature in general, of considering some professions of respect for it necessary to their own characters. Andrea Barrofaldi had been inducted into his present office without even the sentimental profession of never having asked for it. The situation had been given to him by the Fossombrone of his day, without a word having been said in the journals of Tuscany of his doubts about accepting it, and everything pa

ce of the substitute for the grand duke. As this was the sailor's first appearance within the influence of a light sufficiently strong to enable the podestà to examine his person, both he and Andrea Barrofaldi turned their eyes on him with

ity of the English wardrobe. Nor were his features in the slightest degree those of one of the islanders, the outline being beautifully classical, more especially about the mouth and chin, while the cheeks were colorless, and the skin swarthy. His eye, too, was black as jet, and his cheek was half covered in whiskers of a hue dark as the raven's wing. His face, as a whole, was singularly beautiful--for handsome is a word not strong enough to express al

ger, and each stood looking at him half a minute in silence, after the usual salutations had passed, and before the p

rra, Signor Capitano," observed the vice-governatore, earnestly regarding the other throug

the flag under which I have the ho

trust, Signor Capitano--what name

very fatal shibboleths, in the ears of those who were practised in the

e vice-governatore--"that i

meet; "not Jaqueomo, but Jaques--Giovanni turned

ut we Italians are not afraid of such sounds; and I know the name.--'Giac Smeet'--Il Capitano Giac Smeet--I have long suspected my English master of ignora

nswered the other, clearing his throat by a sli

pitano Smeet?" suspending his pen over

in a very different way from what they

show it was not the first time he had heard it; "ze Ving-y-Ving; that is a p

craft like mine has a sail spread on each side, resembling

fast mystifying himself, as so often happens by tyros in any particular branch of knowledge, by his own critical acumen. Then he half whispered a conjecture on the subject to Vito Viti, influenced quite as much by a desir

have you English adopted the rig of the lugger? It is an

lse than I claim to be. On this head, however, you may set your heart at rest, and put full faith in what I tell y

vessel; or does she sail with

itaine Smeet, with an offended air; "I have reason

the most experienced pilot of our haven, that your lugger has not altogether the appearance of a vessel of the Inglese, while she has many that belong to the corsairs of France; and a prude

t a knave would object to it. Pursue your own course, Signor Vice-governatore, and satisfy all your scruples, in your own manner. How shall this be done--will you go on board ze Ving-and-Vin

brief conversation. We bookworms," added Andrea Barrofaldi, with a glance of triumph at his neighbor, for he now expected to give the podestà an illustration of the practical benefits of general learning, a subject that had often been

or a few minutes about that little island. It is not large, Signore, and

make sure that he was listening, "will you have the goodness to explain to me what sort

are powerful lords; and a democracy, too, that sometimes gives trouble e

of many strings. Your answer convinces me you have thought on the subject of your government, Cap

land as we have people. It is true the law says one thing on this head, but then the men, wom

f the truth must be said. Well, we will be indulgent on this subj

e. "Our fathers, at any rate, were all good Catholics once. But seamanship an

here, caro Vito Viti, though our mariners do

estness; "this is the great mistake of your seamen in general. Did they pray less, and l

odestà, in hotter zeal than i

nlightened by study; "the fact must be conceded. There is the fable of Hercules and the wagoner to confirm it. Did our men first strive, and then pray, more would be done th

of speech from the Italian to the English with a readiness that proved how strong he

t sounded imposing to the vice-governatore, who felt a secret consciousness that he could not have uttered such a

age in which Shakespeare and Milton wrote cannot be else; but you will permit me to say that it has a uniformit

ation which had proved so awkward to himself likely to be transferred to a language about which

x, bax, box, bux, and bocks," continued Andrea, endeavoring to pronounce, "big," "bag," "bog," "bug," and "box," all of which, it seemed to him, had a very close family

ften told the person who

r native forms of speech, by ear, when a child?" demande

ag,' 'bog,' bug,' and 'box,'" reading from the paper in a steady voice, and a very tolera

nce these words when fir

to weary of a discourse in which he could take no part, a

ion came from Tommaso Tonti, and all of his from the rig of Signor Smees' ves

anguage, and, smiling on his friend, he made a gentle bow of compliance. Then he refl

mariner of experience, and the oldest pilot of Elba. He tells us that the lugger is a craft mu

the Signor Viti to understand that there is such an island as Guernsey, which was once French, but which is now English, and that accounts for the app

, and about its habits and its origin; and if one could be as certain about the name

sh, that we are the largest family, perhaps, in all Inghilterra. Half the nobles of the island are called Smeet', and not a few are named Jaques. But littl

apitano, now, only had his commission with him, you a

miral; and, as they are not secret, you can cast your eyes over them. This is my commission, Signor Vice-governatore--this is the signature of the Englis

wn the truth, had proceeded from his own obstinacy, and had been done in the very teeth of the objections of the scribe who forged the papers. But Andrea was still too little of an English scholar to understand the blunder, and the Jack passed, with him, quite as currently as would "John," "Edward," or any other appellation. As to the Wing-and-Wing, all was right; th

to Viti," said the vice-governatore, in a self-approving manner; "we have a reputation for being v

ed the heart of the podestà, while it so far warmed that of his superior as to induce him to invite the stranger to share his own frugal supper. The invitation was accepted as

coming general and lively, us the business of the moment proceeded. At that day, tea was known throughout southern Europe as an ingredient only for the apothecary's keeping; nor was it often to be found among his stores; and the convives used, as a substitute, large draughts of the pleasant mountain liquors of the adjacent

since the vice-governatore so put his interrogatories as occasionally to give to acquiescence the appearance of dissent. The other floundered through his difficulties tolerably well, notwithstanding; and so successful was he, in particular, in flattering Andrea's self-love by expressions of astonishment that a foreigner should understand his own country so well--better, indeed, in many respects, than he understood it himself--and that he should be so familiar wit

ed Andrea Barrofaldi, in pursuit of the subject then in hand; "if t

stocrat, Signor Vice-gover

he stranger had taken, and with an unguarded

Inglese are divided into two political castes, that contradict each other in everything. If one maintains that an object is white, the other side swears it is black; and so v

wear he was one of these very opposizione! I never approve of a thing that he does not

account of our politics; but, Signori," rising from his chair, "I now crave your permission to loo

was made; and, returning his thanks, the stranger took his departure, leaving the two

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