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The Wing-and-Wing

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 5735    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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town, in and around the port, he and the podestà sought their homes and their pillows, leaving the lugger riding quietly at her anchor in the spot where she was last presented

that is as winning as the scenes it adorns, and amid mountains whose faces reflect every varying shade of light with the truth and the poetry of nature. Such a morning as this last was that which succeeded the night with which our tale opened, bringing with it the reviving movements of the port and town. Italy, as a whole, is remarkable for an appearance of quiet and repose that are little known in the more bustling scenes of the greedier commerce of our own quarter of the world, or, indeed, in those of most of the northern nations of E

render it questionable to the jealous eyes which had been riveted on her from the shore until long past midnight. Now, however, everything was in motion, and in less than five minutes after that billet of wood had fallen from the hands of the cook, as he was about to light his galley fire, the tops of the hats and c

tion was in French, the part borne by the last being most execrably pronounced, and paying little or no attention to grammar; but

el lying two hundred yards without it, it will be remembered--"and she is light, and would scarce pay for sending her to Toulon. These feluccas

very man must count on what war turns up. I wish you'd read the history of our revolution, and then you'd

re a streak or two lower in the water--but, after all, E-too-ell,"--for so he pronounced the other's

santest victories are them in which there's the most prize money, Howsever, as that brig is only an Austrian, I care little what you may detairmine to do with he

f property, and perhaps of blood, an

for a something, in my reckoning. Nelson wasn't so over-sc

Nile?--Is it not enough that we were beaten--disgraced

ust telling my Captain that it was ag'in the grain for me, a republican as I was by idee and natur', to fight other republicans. He told, me he would first try the grain of my skin, and see how that

ell; this time you are on the right side, and may

heartless. They commit injustice without reflection, and vindicate their abuses without remorse. And yet it may be doubtful if either a nation or an individual ever tolerated or was an accessory in a wrong, that the act, sooner or later, did not recoil on the offending party, through that mysterious principle of right which is implanted in the nature of things, bringing forth its own results as the seed produces its g

erate expedient of blowing up the vessel; and had not the means been wanting, mercenary and selfish as he ordinarily seemed, he was every way equal to executing so dire a scheme, in order to put an end to the lives of those who were the agents in wronging him, and his own sufferings, together. The subject never recurred to his mind without momentarily changing the current of its thoughts, and tinging all his feelings with an intensity of bitterness that it was painful

rage of the lugger was also in this quarter of the bay, commanding a clear view to the north, in the direction of the main land, as far as the eye could reach. The width of the Canal, or of the passage between Elba and the Point of Piombino, may be some six or seven miles; and at the distance of less than one mile from the northern end of the former stands a small rocky islet, which has since become known to the world as the spot on which Napoleon stationed a corporal's guard, by way of taking possession, when he found his whole empire dwindled to the sea-girt mountains in its vicinity. With the existence and position of this island both Raoul a

at enlivened his side were visible the dark intervals of thirteen ports; a real gun frowning in each. Although the hammocks were not stowed, and the hammock-cloths had that empty and undressed look which is so common to a man-of-war in the night, it was apparent that the ship had an upper deck, with quarter-deck and forecastle b

"a pretty cul de sac are we in, if that gentleman should happen to be an Englishman! What say

re the sun is risen; but, by having a glass ready, we shall soon know. Five

n, bringing two of the instruments; one of which he handed to his commander, while he kept the other himself. In another m

eyes are untrue to my own country. Let me see, Etooell; what s

nion's attention from the frigate to his own countenance; "not that, Monsieur Capitaing. It is not easy for a bird to forget t

did not require to be told his meaning; "if you are not mistaken, Etooell, le Feu-Foll

ere at the bottom of the ocean. The Proserpine, thirty-six, Captain Cuffe; though Captain Flog would

r guns--now I can see to count t

elve thirty-twos, carronades, on her quarter-deck; and four more carronades, with two barkers, for'ard. She'd just extinguish you

-of-war, with the force you have just mentioned; but I have followed the sea too long t

n, for she always has it in her power to change it; and then she might be benefited by the cheat. The Proserpine is French built, and has French legs, too, boots or no boots"--here Ithuel laughed a little, involuntarily, but his face instant

, he may very well take it into his head to come in here, and perhaps anchor w

s, either, what is to bring a cruiser into such a place as

as it comes; sometimes a gale, and sometimes a calm. As he shows his own ensign so

was charged with that duty, and who was never known to laugh; "the captain

hawser, and run the lugger ahead, over her anchor, and see everything clear for spreading our pocket-handkerchiefs. No one knows when le

ary occasions he was talkative, and disposed to gossip; but, whenever action and decision became necessary, he was thoughtful, silent, and, though in a way of his own, even dignified. This last fit was on him, and he waited

ass for Englishmen. It is certain, more words would have been uttered in this little lugger in one hour, had her crew been indulged to the top of their bent, than would have been uttered in an English first-rate in two; but the danger of using their own language, and the English peculiarity of grumness, had been so thoroughly taught them, that her people rather caricatured, than otherwise, ce grand talent pour le silence that was thought to distinguish their enemies. Ithuel, who had a wagge

sent awkward predicament, and he was not a man to abandon an object so dear to him, lightly. Finding himself in a dilemma, he was resolved to make an effort to reap, if possible, some advantage from his critical situation. Accordingly

h of the old sea-dogs that drew near them, all of whom knew more or less of that universal language, with difficulty. That they were the objects of suspicion, their captain had sufficiently warned them, and practice rendered them all good actors. The time they remained in waiting for Raoul was consequently spent in eluding attempts to

ressly employed by Vito Viti to perform this office, "here are figs from the main land. Will you please

this offering was made, and speaking in broken English; "

u, or bite you; you can eat them and, take my word for it

melon. English melon plen

d a syllable of the ungracious answers she received; "Signor Vito Viti, our podestà,

er, that was intended to get rid of the fair tormentor, a

g a French ensign, before the port, had given rise to apprehensions of a much more serious nature than any which could possibly attend the arrival of a craft as light as the lugger, by herself. Vito Viti had long before gone up the street, to see the vice-governatore; and eight or ten of the principal men of the place had been summoned to a council, including the two senior military dignitaries of the island. The batteries, it was known, were manned; and although it would ha

o designate the dwelling of the governor, was the group of magnates, all of them paying the gravest attention to the smallest change in the direction of the ship, which had now become an object of general solicitude and apprehension. So intent, indeed, were they in gazing at this apprehended enemy, that Raoul stood in front of Andrea Barrofaldi, cap in hand, and bowing h

ertainly with an air that betrayed any feeling but those of apprehension and guilt; "we have a fine m

drea, "as you approached. What, in your judgment, c an induce

and other out-of-the-way things. What has made them behead Louis XVI? What has made them o

Nelsoni destroy them at Aboukir

may very well be included. We have several men in ze Ving-and-Ving who were in that glorious battle, particularly our sailing-master, Etooell Bolt, who was on board Nelson's own s

dryly remarked Andrea Bar

Bolt was born in America--English America, you know, Signori, and that is much the same thing as having been born in En

reason to believe; he is seemingly a

that had passed in the wine-house, and he thought he

gnor Vice-governatore, I have come to offer you the service of my lugger, should this Frenchman really intend mischief. We are small, it is true, and our guns are but light; nevertheless we may break th

e vice-governatore, with considerate courtesy; "we are no mariners, and must leave the choice to y

n if he were in a dock-yard. As for ze leetl' Ving-and-Ving, in my opinion, while the frigate is busy with these batteries, it might be well for us to steer along the shore on the east side

al of your guns were heavier. With short pieces of twelve, however, you would hardly venture within rea

hawse, and did her lots of injury. The vaisseau, in fact, was blown up. Naval combats are

r; "but what means this movement? you, as a

ortant changes. As these movements have an intimate connection with the incidents of the tale,

he alarm. With the sun had risen the wind, and a few minutes before the colonel interrupted himself in the manner related, the topsails of the stranger had swelled, and he began to move through the water at the rate of some four or five knots the hour. The moment her people felt that they had complete command of their vessel, as if waiting only for that assurance, they altered her course and made sail. Putting her helm a-starboard, the ship came close by the wind, with her head looking direc

of new interest in the affair, with the exception of the apparent intention of the stranger to enter the bay. As le Feu-Follet lay in plain view from the offing, he had his doubts, indeed, whether the warlike appearance of t

arrior, and who felt too happy at the prospects of passing a quiet day, to feel distrust at such a moment; "I shall do you honor in

truggled about his handsome mouth; "think rather of those of these gallant signori, who greatly regret that an opportunity for gaining dis

that was to follow was in much better hands while conducted by the New Hampshire man than it could possibly be in his own, Ithuel answered promptly, though what, he did not know himself; but

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