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Trackers of the Fog Pack

Trackers of the Fog Pack


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ghs for

breezes blowing softly; cloudless blue skies overhead; the usual throngs on the

ast, seeking the more congenial climate along the picturesque Coast, where flowers bloomed throughout ever

not seem to share in the general joyous spirit-this grumbler amidst such perfect surroundings was really an old friend of t

said Perk had participated in a number of thrilling flying stunts, all of whi

fortunate, it may be said right here, before embarking on the latest and most thrilling of their recent exploits, that Jack and Perk were trusted members of Uncle Sam's wide-flung Secret Service organization; and on accou

tled on his chum's usually smiling phiz. "Dinner knocking harder than customary; or did you get a letter from

erk flung back. "Chow was all to the good-ain't got nary a best gal, an' n

an I do anything to ease the strain? I'd go a long way to get you o

ment, and looked his companion straight in th

story, Jack-I'm gettin' fed up by things goin' too smooth. Guess it's in the blood-my Yankee ancestors they was all men o' action, doers o' things that called fur courage an' double risk. They set their

half suspected this, Perk; but cheer up-the longest lane must have its turni

st," continued the complaining one. "Makes me feel like I'm sorter pen

the Mounted Police, far away up in Northwest Canada.[1] That successful flight, and arrest, earned us a vacation, our superiors believ

crowd o' bootleggers must a got things mighty near sewed up, when the Department lets us loaf away our time out here on the Gold Coast.

erk-it's a whole bit like swimming-once you lear

our joints, ev'rything out o' kelter; but when a chump got used to guidin' the skittish wheel along it came as easy as

m looking for t

vin' much encouragement, partner,

uietly, "to say our ship was in first-class condi

t of burnt powder making his nostrils quiver with anticipation. "I'm right neow yearnin' to set

running mate, having been over in France when only eighteen years of age, handling a sausage balloon

the ropes of the new craze-flying; becoming a very good

aving a strain of Canadian blood along with his Yankee heritage, turned up among the Mounties in the Far Northw

he took a strong liking for the bright-witted youngster, and they had been boon comrades ever since, sharing t

ences, although not of the same thrilling character as

of the air gripped Jack, and forsaking the sawdust ring he began making parachute drops with one of those barnstorming aviators possessing a dilapidated

rnest invitation for him to join up with the Secret Service-about that time it became evident that a new branch of the Law organization must be built up,

s one hand knows what the other hand requires to make a finished product so their br

to ramble on with observations covering much ground; for he had a decided opinion on every v

d in France with my work in the sausage balloon corps, in apple-pie condition; an' he done a smart job. He happened to have some ammunition to fit the gun, so I laid in a bunch o' cartridges, meanin' to shoot at


ilots' Gre

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