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Trackers of the Fog Pack

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1535    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

g with

s from justice had long kept away from the long arm of the Law. In former days there had been just such a safe hiding-place further to the

Force were accustomed to being familiar campmates; since there was no mission on which they could be sent but had its share of peril; if such expedition

sing of the moon, now far advanced in its last quarter. Jack did not count for any assistance in the rising of the

again, as though the thick vapor had temporarily opened up; but only to close

uence seemed to shut them in like an opaque curtain, g

ountain peaks, and crags, Jack began a steady upward climb, being most desirous of taking no unnece

se sea of vapor, and unable to take any sort of reckoning by means of the heavens above, or the earth beneath, this trouble could be remedied

cended until they were already some eight thousand feet from the earth;

blanket of sticky wetness-why, if they kept on much longer, the cold increasing the higher they lifted their ship,

rned stuff, Jack," Perk at this time o

ne bit, partner," came just the answer P

wthin' we kin do to make

, and ready to drop down lower if given half

n' mighty cold 'raound these diggin's, boy. I'm agoin' to drag aout

'm beginning to shiver as if I had the ague. This cold of the upper air currents is a hea

their present altitude a little more chance to show what it could

o pierce the miserable stuff by which they were thus bound, so they had no power to break loose. "Don't b'lieve I eve

eyes, and trying to grope his way around so as to lay hold of the active dodgers who slipped out of his grip so adroitly. But he also remembered, with a chuckle, how a

overing so many miles in every direction was absolutely impenetrable; and their only resource would be to depend on their reliable instruments; keep th

to the limit; whatever Jack decided on he was ready to make unanimous, and let it go at tha

r he found all manner of grewsome possibilities crowding into

ff to the mountings-say, if they calls this a bit I wonder what a real smashin' big fog'd seem like. From the way she acts I'm commencin' to figger as haow she could keep this way r

e even figured out how, with gas and supplies running low, in the end they might have

loom up so soon after their takeoff, with the work connected

e dark as to the progress their ship was making; or whether they

. Mebbe we're miles an' miles eouten the way, even gettin' wuss rattled right along; but say, that aint like my partner, to lose his head, an' run us into a

lly forced himself to chuckle, as if things looked perfectly all right in his eyes; but there was

a slide down, shutting off the power; Perk felt positive he again caught a sound from somewh

of hazards; his old fear lest they should have been surreptitiously followed by some secret enemy, in the

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