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Trooper Bluegum at the Dardanelles


Word Count: 1625    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


s and night encounters. None of them, however, quite deserved mention in the official ch

re sections of the foremost system of Turkish trenches, from the spot where the Kereves Dere meets the sea to the main Seddel-B

arge. But they had to fight like grim death to withstand the fierce counter-attacks which were made from the maze of Turkish trenches in the vicinity. This done, the second phase was entered upon by the 157th Brigade. They, too, after fierce fighting, gained

the new position it had taken up at Ryrie's Post towards the Turkish trenches. The 6th Light Horse (Colonel Cox) and the 7th Light Horse (Colonel Arnott) sent a squadron over their trenches. The troopers jumped on to the parapet with a cheer, and swarmed down the hill to the comparative safety of the valley below. By a stroke of luck not one man was hit in

ward in full view of the enemy, and withdrawn under cover to their original position. Long lines of bayonets were seen passing along our trenches and disappearing at the communication tunnels, thus lending additional colour to the idea of a

racle how any of our advance parties escaped annihilation. As it was, we had five killed and fourteen wounded. It is estimated that the Turks fired two hundred rounds of shrapnel on the Light Horse position in one hundred minutes. Our artillery was by no mean

Zealanders further north. But we did know, by the rapid reinforcement o

I was so busy dodging shrapnel shells that I saw only a few. Anyhow, our chaps did not come with a view to ge

t last took pity on the Australians. They promised us excellent treatm

one of the messages fell in the league-long trenches of the Australians and New Zealanders. The wind wafted them all across into the Turkish li

, half a dozen warships and a flotilla of submarines were at that moment thundering away at the Turkish batteries. Another bit of news to the Australia

grandiloquent Germa

he Anglo-French Ex

fleet, you have been able to land on the

s, although your ships have done their utmost to assist you by a tremendous cannonade, implying enormous waste of ammunition. Two fine British battleships, Triumph and Majestic, have been sunk before your own e

rces have to rely on sea transport for reinforcements and supply of food, water, and every kind of war material. Already the submarine

ve not taken up arms against us by hatred. Greedy England has made you fight under a contract. You may confide in us for excellent treatment. Our coun

rong hold on the whole of Belgium and on conspicuous parts of France since many a month. A considerable part of Russian Poland is also in the hands of the Germans, who advance there every day. Early in May, strong German and Austrian forces have broken through the Russian centre in Galicia. Przemysl has fallen back into their hands lately.

stralians rejected this kind invitation, and persisted in "stupid bloodshe

about the same time. It was issued by the Director of the Milit

at Gallipoli by our heroic troops, in the course of bayonet charges in which they drove into the sea and drowned more than twent

Constantinople to see the trophies of Turkish prowess. It was solely with this object in

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