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Uncle Sam Detective


Word Count: 3873    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ose Encino. If one should start a camp fire anywhere on the island he would be running a monstrous risk, for so great is the quantity of

and was beached beneath a great cottonwood tree that stood out against the sky as a landmark. Two men stepped ashore and waited in the shadows. Fifteen minutes later two riders splashe

a voice from


oman who was treated with great courtesy by the small man. When the horses were tied the four seated themselves beneath the tree in a spot where the underbrush shut out the world. From the fitful

e sixty years of age, a thin, wiry individual with refined and almost classic features. He was a practising physician, a citizen of means and repute in the border city. The man who had come with him in the boat was named Comacho.

at city early in the Madero campaign. He it was who inflicted some of the early atrocities upon prisoners, who plied the torch and who had to be discouraged in his activities by ev

ent belief was that she was a sister of General Orozco. That uncontrolled chief of rebels was even then stationed at Juarez in command of Madero troops and was vacillatin

He has opened revolutionary headquarters there and every mail brings letters and every train brings messengers assuring him of support in overthrowing Madero. He has arranged for money to finance the movement. The f

na. "We can do nothing until we have

hat connection I have a mission for the Se?orita Calderon. She is to go

z has other stores of it at Ph?nix. We can start action at half a dozen points and wake every dozing peon in Mexico. But provide the money, doctor, and I wi

be bought," volunteered Pena. "I have many men ready to travel back a

Doctor Flores. "Can she

that young woman. "But where

ere is a small building opening into the all

the organization of the junta, this first

an to notice the frequency with which groups of Mexicans were to be seen engaged in earnest conversation in the streets of El Paso. About the Orndorff hotel there were in evidence groups of wealthy appearing gr

of Madero. Ortego was a member of the personal secret service of the new president and hi

asked the American s

n," said t

ave the

bly Orozco, possibly

informer among th

d in that respect

leader that Madero can tr

l Herrera at Chihuahua. He also stated that Docto

wledge of Spanish. As he was growing up his father had served for many years in the consular service and Billy had become as a native of the Latin countries. It had been his pride as a lad to assume every characteristic of the land to whi

neral Herrera which it had been possible for him to get through Madero's secret service man, Juan Ortego. He appeared much worn and dust-covered when he began a search of El Paso for

sure you that you may treat with me in confidence. He bids me say that he holds General Reyes in a defere

had come from many sources of support to Reyes who, in reality, occupied an enviable position in the hearts of the Mexican people. But Herrera, the Madero general, who had been regarded a

United States become a member

rable sums of money, that arms had been bought in hundred lots from dealers all along the border, that these were being doled out to individuals who were to cross over the border at a given time and form the nucleus of the revolution. In El Paso some tw

cross the border. The pock-marked anarchist, Comacho, was maturing his spectacular plans. Se?orita Josefa Calderon, slim as a cactus, came now and then, with a message from Reyes or Orozco. Often she brought large sums of money. Gard once accompan

where he was to pick up his recruits enlisted on the American side and those on the Mexican side who had promised to join with him. At the psycholo

the international bridge at El Paso. An associate was to perform the same service with relat

acities of Pena as a killer were to be directed. But failing these he was to run amuck and do whatever damage he could. Any representative of the American army, any Madero official, was to be r

however, to time their coup in such a way as to have the most discouraging effect possible upo

fteen of the active plotters that should be arrested and the Ranger force was the best fitted agency on the

ape and give the alarm. They should all be put into a wagon, inclosed with white canvas, such as is common in the Southwest and which would attract no attention in passing through the streets. This wagon, with two or three Rangers aboard and others riding carelessly near it, should then drive about El Paso, pic

security. There was the danger of his identity being found out, which would not only spoil his case but might result in personal violence being done him, as his associates were not men to trifle with. Th

to be fleeing for the Mexican border. The order was issued from Washington to intercept and arrest a

was there and was soon joined by Comacho, the dynamiter. Presently a ranchman from Sonora was admitted. Se?orit

m General Herrera?" Do

roops would go over to General Reyes as so

o perform his service to the cause of

Tia Juana to Brownsville," responded that

d the leader. "This afternoon Reyes will cross the

is back against this door, opened it an inch. He recognized the man outside and welcomed him. He ushered him inside a

d had done much work in Los Angeles and a few of the members of the revolutionary junta there had learned his identity. The visit

iating the reason for this lack of recognition, Gard made an excuse for going out and approached the door. Flores again sat with his back against it. When the young man gave his excuse for wanting to go the doctor waved him aside and

were addressed to Doctor Flores and to Comacho, the dynamiter, an associate of his. The man in the corner was given little attention.

time passed, the visitor's eyesight would adjust itself and he would be recognized. His mind ran ahead an

y, and passed on. He looked at the dynamiter during a long explanation of some detail of bomb makin

amed: "By the Holy Virgin, a spy, a traitor! He is an agent of the perfidious United States. He is a detective, an informe

The nervous little doctor sprang to his feet and started as if to spring at the throat of the special a

the best position right now I could hope to be in. If one of you advances a step toward me I will fire. None of you dare fire



all die and be fed to the bu

been betrayed!" almost

f you insist on shooting it out. I will get one or two of you, however, and the police will get the rest. I would

re came a loud rapping at the door. The noise of it sounded as though it were made with the butt of a revolver. The Mexic

the latch. This ain't no

who recognized the voice of the Ranger ch

ld be seen but the blank side of a thick cotton mattress. Few other things will stop bullets like a cotton mattress and it is therefore an excellent breas

equest for a parley was made. The Mexicans decided upon discretion and surre

ned. "Red Shirt" Pena was found in the act of boarding a street car to cross the bridge into Juarez. He made fight but a Ranger floored him with a blow from a big forty-five six-sho

had been discouraged and failed to follow him even where they were not under arrest. The Mexicans did not rally to the aged general's cause after he entered his native land

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