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Une Vie, A Piece of String and Other Stories


Word Count: 5975    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s quite restored, the

' visit and also to c


a sale a new one-hors

onth. They set out one

two hours across the p

tle slope into a littl

le the valley itself w

ey they saw the Chateau

t and a large pond on

and which was bounded

ed the other si

e portions of the build

thoroughly, and went

full of game, this coun

is a true seigno

ned and the pale comt

sitors, all smiles, an

e of olden times. She l

to inhabit th

Jeanne's hands, as if s

down beside her in a

elegance seemed to have

ed and smiled quie

ked of their horseback

nting a horse and ca

led also, having nick

eath the windows caused

he comte, who ha

. A sound of oars was

he appeared, enormous,

dy color like himself,

de th

ease in his own home,

some wood on the fire

imed suddenly: "Why, yo

f cou

as never out of her t

uld not be persuaded, J

to arouse his ugly,

unhappy at the thought

next day, she c

ghtful. They first vis

t of a mossy rock and

he boat Julien and th

ppily like those who ha


in the spacious recept

contentment. The comte

m the floor as though s

on each cheek, like a


at this good giant who

sight of his mustaches

each day about eve

ced at Julien standing

his eyes fixed on the c

"Are you ill? What is

y: "Nothing. Let me

e dining-room the coun

they settled themselve

r ma

ne and Julien were pr

a little longer to l

inally set out, wrapped

owed, Jeanne said almos

!" Julien, who was dri

s restrain himsel

ed on the Couteliers,

y in the province. Th

of Cany. The new chate

in a magnificent park

eau could be seen on

reception room by men

a sort of column held a

al of the column an au

uested the Marquis Leo

bosc de Coutelier to r


looking at this royal g


ious people whose mind

n stilts. They spoke

cently, appearing alwa

y their position, of s

obility of

ewhat taken aback, end

too embarrassed to rema

take their leave. The

lly and simply by bring

a queen givin

said: "If you like, we

rvilles are good enoug

mber passed slowly and

us year. But Jeanne di

n up with Paul, whom J

en when the mother held

as women do their chi

g: "Give him a kiss; on

hardly touch with his

ound it, as though he d

Then he would walk away

ng dist

and the curé came to d

urvilles, with whom the

e appeared to worship P

visit and sometimes dur

amusing him and then

lamented that he had n

n mentioned the rides

ne, a little weary of

in anticipation of the

lf making a

o and two, the comtess

dred feet behind them,

they had become throu

and simple hearts. The

sting into laughter and

eyes were expressing wh

y set off at a gallop,

get away,

em to be growing irrit

ccasionally reached th

smile and say to Jeann

he right side, t

ere coming home the c

then checking it abru

care, take care; you w

ed; "it is none of yo

ded across the fields


nged and champed the b

ilberte!" Then, as if i

an whom nothing can sto

ars. The animal reared

d, landing again on hi

s the plain

meadow, then plunging

earth behind it, going

ts rider. Julien rem

ut in despair: "Madame,

, bending forward on hi

out at such a pace, s

the spur, that the hug

st between his legs an

t incredible speed, st

wife and of the husband

e distance, as if they

the verge of

anne slowly, murmured

set out together to fo

den by the r

quarter of an hour the

. The comte, perspiri

mphant, was holding his

erte was pale, her face

her husband's shoulder

tood now that the co

e for some months seem

to the "Poplars" mor

Jeanne impulsively. O

had come into her life

took his eyes off her.

appy just now. Gilberte

ut of humor, never gets

l now I was no

hanged, no longer im

two families had brough

ingularly early and mi

ath the quickening ray

s awakening of nature.

ove. Not that her love

orever. But all her b

e fragrance of spring,

nvisible and tender a

up in the sunlight to

hich did not nec

s in a reverie a visi

ook amid the dark foli

here that she had for

an who loved her then.

ime the timid desire of

she had all at once re

ed to see this wood ag

titious pilgrimage, as

nge the current of her

he knew not whither. S

mes rode, saddled, and

ing seemed stirring, no

pped in a golden mist

her horse, soo

e valley which leads

ff that are called the

. The sunlight was stre

ndered about the littl


as going along one of

her end of it two hor

e; they belonged to Gi

e was beginning to be

chance meeting, and

o patient animals, who

he called. There was n

lay on the beaten-dow

hile and then walked aw


of an hour, twenty mi

d be keeping them. She

a tree trunk. Suddenly

e glove, the whips and

to her saddle with an

her e

llop for the "Poplars."

ng to reason, to put t

it that she had not sus

ot noticed anything?

Julien's frequent abse

appearance and the imp

erte's nervous abrupt

of beaming happiness

and that so ple

e, as she wanted to th

bed he

otion was over she beca

filled with contempt.

ight do could astonis

se, her friend, disgust

hful and false. And tea

illusions as deeply as


to act as though she kn

all ordinary affection

nd to endure other peo


she ran to her son, ca

m passionatel

inner, smiling and at

"Are not father and li


him for this little a

scovery she had made i

with an intense desire

d whom she loved next

ing to them to has

ere on the 20th of May

val with a growing imp

er filial affection, t

to talk with frankness

ll of whose life, actio

at all

s a sort of moral is

ugh she had learned su

he comtesse with outstr

nsciousness of hollown

d enveloping her, and

ill greater disgust, a

low cre

peasants shocked her

in human beings as we

race of peasants who

one day awakened her a

t had been told to him


riage stopped at the do

the window Jeanne was

tuous feeling of affe

t when she saw her mot

roness, in six months,

flabby and purple, as

e dim and she could no

m. Her breathing was di

ear her with a p

them to their room, sh

ry, as she was so upse

owing herself into his

ars: "Oh, how mother

me, what is the matter

hink so? What an idea!

assure you that I do n

s looks l

d to his wife: "Your mo

ot last long." And as J

e, I did not say there

ything. She is changed

er y

ble to walk any distan

to take one turn in

. And when she felt un

e would say: "Let us

." She hardly ever lau

ing that amused her, b

llently, she passed ho

ons." Then she would

ng her cherished letter

chair beside her and p

slowly gone over them.

kiss some of them, as

of a loved on

g in abruptly, would fi

matter, little mothe

eply: "It is my 'relics

t were so delightful

minded of persons whom

seem to see them, to

. You will fe

to come in at such tim

e my advice and burn

ne, everyone's. There i

, than to look back to

as preparing a chest of

nstinct of dreamy sent

her mother in

to leave them some day

hat called

ook Paul in her arms a

nk, gazing at the infan

t time. She could hardl

tep, with a beard on hi

meone calling and raise

g towa

me la Baronne

run down her back as sh

toward t

aw a number of persons

rd and saw her mother

head. Her face was bla

ad been difficult for

the child out of Jean


xious face, asked: "Wh

e doctor, somebody." Tu

of it in some way. He

sleeves of his cassoc

ng the invalid pr

essed and put to be

farmer, was there and

Abbé Picot, they trie

re obliged to bring a l

her in it. In this way

en upstairs, where th

ut in hot haste for th

oly oil, the nurse, wh

nd was on the spot, wh

sieur; she is dead. I


, entreated them to do

t to pronounce

hours beside this lif

es, was sobbing in

nd the doctor appeared

hat she knew of the a

ng glance with the doc

ous? Do you thin

am afraid--I am afra

, be

rms, threw herself on h

tood there amazed, visi

any appearance of grief

pare a suitable expres

ing it, I felt that the

chief, wiped his eye

g to his feet, attempte

ad body and kissing it,

She appeared to b

she was allowed to c

om was arranged as a de

in a low tone near the

over to Jeanne and too

f the defunct, praised

he night in praye

mid convulsive sobs.

t night of farewell. Ju

will stay together." Sh

said: "It is my mother

e." The doctor murmur

e can stay in the

consented, more intere

down in his turn, and

a saint" in the same t


nary tone then asked: "

not reply, not knowing

u had better eat som

n a bewildered manner:

room to send someone

n a sort of motionless

standing nothing. She

d dined and he asked he

er head. He sat down wi

thout speaking, and the

rose, and approaching J

?" She took his hand i

es! le

, murmuring: "I will c

out with Widow Dentu, w

he nex

nd opened the windows

ay that lay in the moo

er feelings like a

d, took one of the cold

y. She seemed to be sl

ne, and the pale fla

th made her face appear

remembered all the l

s of little mother t

n which she handed he

little details, little

miliar gestures, the c

hed, the big sigh she

king at her, repeating

horror of the word bec

tle mother--Mamma Adel

again, nor speak, nor l

r. She would never ag

e." She

knees in a paroxysm

er face buried in the

, mamma, my poor mamma

as she had done on t

se and ran to the windo

ess of the night entere

ep qu

back into the room an

membrances came to h

rte, the bitter disi

only misery, grief,

ve, everyone lied, ever

find a little rest and

en the soul is freed f

ponder on this

ought came to her mind.

ough they were a litan

eemed to her that she

y which would give plea


riting desk and took f

ow letters, tied and ar

all on the bed over he

began to read them. Th

century. The first b

gain "My dear little g

"My dear child," "My d

to the periods--chi

all full of little in

thousand little matt

e life, so petty to out

rnt her finger; the ca

pine tree to the right

ay home from church, sh

ected her. They seeme

y entered the past sec

her lying there and

dead, as though to dis

oman appeared

rs as she read them to

It was a new handwriti

ses. I love you so th

all; no s

without understanding

ame la Baronne Le

: "Come this evening as

ther. I worship you." I

for you, longing to

, and I am insane enou

thought that you

bewildered. What did

om were these

oming across fresh imp

ings as to prudence, a

e sure to bur

ordinary note, accep

e handwriting and sign

whenever he spoke of

d been the barone

immediately became a c

He had been her

self, she suddenly thr

ve thrown off some veno

cry piteously. Then, c

iding her face in the

sobbed bitterly as if

thus probably all nigh

ing room that made he

nd all the letters wer

nly one of them to k

her room and seizing t

o the fireplace, those

over; some that she ha

up in the drawers of

burned beside the bed a

ere reduced to ashes sh

no longer dared to s

her face in her hands:

or ma

It was the cool hour

n the horizon and turn

of the night she passe

lars" came to Jeanne's

g was changed, how di


nk, a joyous, love-insp

urprise, as at some p

herself if it were pos

e found, there shoul


de her start. It was J

not ver

py at being no longer a

mother a long, sad kis


the usual attentions

evening. He wep

the following day. Af

ehead and seeing the co

e invited guests

to come, and she thre

n in black presently en

eanne did not know. Th

Briseville embraced he

her. She turned round

all in black, elegant,

le. He asked his wife

tially: "All the nobili

walked away, gravely bo

lberte alone remained

he comtesse kissed her

dear, my

e came to fetch his wi

ere for his

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