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Word Count: 1725    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

n of news was so rapid because in the country each person regarded himself as a courier in duty bound to convey word

to Stephen Dalton's home, secreting in their clothes such w

l encounter between two individuals

hort, fat man, with a face of full length but somewhat narrower than it might have been, assumed the leadership of the meeting. His upper lip was shaved clean,

st what action must be taken by us. We are not seeking to interfere with your affairs, but darkeys must be made to feel always that whatever any one of th

voice the sentiments of my fellows. We did not come here to sit in judgment on your action. We came here under the inspiration of the Anglo-Saxon motto, which is summed up in these words, 'My co

posed Lemuel Dalton, in a tone which signified his

aggressiveness and do more to keep him down than a standing army. What we practice in the South is racial hypnotism. We erect signs everywhere, notifying the darkey of his inferiority. To be effective this work must be co-operated in by practically the whole body of white men. That's why we object to a

actions transgress your mode of

d spoken insultingly, you should have used your horsewhip on him. If he had proven dangerous, it was your duty to have shot him without furth

e-voiced young man, rising in a most timid m

him a reassuring l

ack the slaves with a full accoutrement of arms when one of their number protested. He told his fellows that the best way to conquer the slaves was to discard arms and go with whips simply. He held that arms would suggest equality, while whips would be a reminder to the slaves as to what they were. The experiment succeeded and the Scythians effected a re-enslavement w

our day sets forth th

of behavior, perpetually repeated, generate on the one side an inherited fitness for command, and on the other side an inherited fitness for obedien

lly and wistfully, hoping that he would be regarded as having made

ected to Lemuel Dalto

to the subject you will see that my action was in accordance

nishment at this claim, but Lemue

e regarded as unfair, he would not have inwardly restored to me the palm which he wrested from me years ago. But, proceeding against him on terms of equality as I did, he is forced to acknowledge in his innermost consciousness that I am phy

on his face, came forward and g

ysique and reproductive powers, show that he is in the world to stay to the end of time. If, in the years to come, he adds mental to physical endowment, we may be in

It was the concensus of opinion that the education which Harry and Beulah had receiv

he education that taught him better how to work. It was decided that Harry had been punished equitably for his offense against Lemuel Dalton as an i

to drive Harry and Beulah out of the settlement, both as a punishment for their off

came in part from curiosity, in part to see if they were in danger, and in part

lp in a case where all of the blame was not on the white man. In the dead of the night the whites rode up to the house and tacked thereon a notice, warning Harry and Beula

shoot de nigger. We didun't do nuffin' 'bout dat, kase de niggers wuz

and they decided, one and all, to retaliate by l

all the surrounding sections. This city now became the Mecca of these Negroes.

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