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Wang the Ninth

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 2732    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

had been incurred for the burial and the sickness should be met. The amount realized by the few effects left was barely sufficie

ere debating the question of apprenticing him to a big foundry just inside

he decided to have his destiny settled once and for all. Slipping quietly down the st

money on the table; and sat down obedientl

r of birth, which are taught to children at a very early age, the group of eight characters is assembled: then there remains the question of discovering which of the Five Elements, that is metal, wood, water, fire or earth, is to dominate the group and h

led himself on the hard wooden bench all attention while the old man peered at him over his spectacles, and arranged the little painted squares with their distinctive characters as he replied to the questions. Presently he had all th

ence with which your year indicative is repeated under the fire-element. By fire you

performs a rite. Then he took three ancient coins and shook them in a goblet: three times he repeated the process so that he should acquire the necessary guidance. He n

riosity: there was another wayfarer or two as well. All these people were silent in the presence of learning; for each one of them

e characters, and drank in their meaning as a scholar does a clea

ything from water must influence you. By water, rivers and oceans are meant: dominated will


ut you will not flinch. Stormy will be your life, but finally successful. Violent death will approach you but you will survive. Your destiny is

ong ugly face close to the l

e good, but there is lacking the proper heaviness of eyebrow. Guard against being

old man did not consult the palms:

-test. In four places is the character written as

the test, may I n

n muttered

at is also marked.

little cash arranging a

gn. Keng-tzu-nien-the twenty-sixth year of the Emperor. This

e bundle. He was absorbed by the prospect held out to him. It was his manifest destiny to become associated with foreigners in some wa

r with a loud quacking. But amusements which formerly used to delight him had lost their power. He ate his evening meal in silence, not telling any one what he had done and he went to

of the window with the speed and stealth of a cat. Then with his head down he ran by a circuitous route through the fields, not to his own city gate, where he was so well-kno

en he saw a groom with some foreign horses, and he loitered up to him and asked him if he knew a foreigner with a big red beard. This man laughed and said that many had red beards and that as he did not know the name he could not say. The boy being tired, sat down on his bundle, and watched every foreigner who passed. Ten or twelve did he see in the course of an hour but none had re

re I can most easily s

a guild-house where they played daily wi

y to the spot indicate

ear this entrance and the carters and grooms sat and talked together. Wan

in pairs. There were not as many as he had expected-in fact there were few. But presently his heart leape

from his mouth like water from a tap. "Many miles have I walked without food to se

ded man had

e from?" he asked

bowed. Then as you passed you laughed and spoke in your language to the lady and she laughed even as your excellency had done. There was a great flash. I foolishly thought it was your magic to destroy me; but you had thrown a silver dollar t

looked close into his eyes they would have seen there a certain moisture

rs are not so many. Follow me

hted offered a warm welcome; and Wang the Ninth, safe in the knowledge that he was adequately protected, followed his patron in with a contemptuous smile, whilst his erstwhile oppres

remarked brief

ssed by his surroundings. He examined the broad verandah and the f

is obviously wealthy. No matter what my task may be

than anything he had expected. Cautiously he approached the front-door and peered in through th

d his eyes remained r

Each thing has its fixed value and added together they make a gre

d-bearded man sounded behind him. He turned with a start and saw that

d the master. "W

swered the boy, using his common appell

master and

name?" inquir

y stam

called Wang the Ninth, being the eighth child of my father's family. Chih

here was a directness in this talk

in the way of work?" ask

head and fidgette

mes I assisted my father although withou

t wo

gh embarrassed not a lit


ed wine! Ho

re with his hand, as if ex

which had paid no taxes into the city. For many months it went wel

pulling his beard and ob

g evil to take you. But is it not true that my gatekeeper was o

had his own customs and was moreover in secret league with all the horse-dealers, who wer

ned to the boy. "Listen. For one month I shall give you trial in the stables. Food and lodging shall you

ds of the groom who marched him off to his cor

business to lead two ponies for their daily exercise. Never must he mount them or else he would be whipped.

n. Then, after that, because he had a full belly he talked until he reeled with sleep, retailing to the stable-hands his most excit

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