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Wang the Ninth

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1453    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

His simple duties were so easily performed that he had endless time hanging on his hands. Although he belonged to

tain laziness and indifference to everything save appearance and settled customs. Absolutely honest wherever a definite trust was given him, the boy nevertheless hugely enjoyed all kinds of

ions. "A man could live here a hundred years and never fear for his emp

e whipped if he went where he had no business to be. He pondered over the matter unendingly for lack of anything else to do, and at last the little door aroused in him a veritable passion of curiosity which became an obsession. Sometimes, when he was exercising th

valent to saying that the matter was beyond public discussion, since n

ly ever fail to saunter round the straggling compound and at last work his way to the little door. Then, after a look to see that he was not observed, quick as lightning he would dart in and test it to see if through carelessness it had

quick eyes saw that a key had actually been thrust in and the dust nearly all knocked out. There was a clear mark which was easily recognizable. Three times he tried

shoes, and with his amazing climbing-powers, swarmed up as easily and as rapidly

ther disa

d west-by little buildings, full of latticed windows. In one corner of the court was stretched a clot

tely below him nearly made him loosen his grip and fall. With his m

ng to call some one. But almost at once s

ing up there, il

usion: the power of speech almos

it two or three times before and tonight I determined to catch it, hoping that it

en he let go both hands from the tree, holdi

re is it-show it to me. I walk here e

ion was incorrect. Evidently it was sufficiently grown to

" queried the girl again with per

h rather rudely. Then something prompted h

ked, picking at the bark with his fingers. "Evidently there are birds in

n excla

u will surely be beaten if you are caught. This indeed

rved the small door and was unabl

irl gave an

Go quickly. My grandfather is the steward-has n

n the s

ggler. Certainly you climb well enough for that. But if yo

ay unduly favour me. In any case I only smuggled for a month or so. There was nothing particular in what I did. I have never defrauded others. From

woman should know him by a nasty nickname. He felt humiliated. And inclination came

isk climbin

ok his

hing good about myself when I do. And t

st hint of orange and yellow. Night was fast coming on in this l

uddenly pointing to the north. "You can reach it by

ad been made. Then, after a long pause, he began to slide down ever

knows. In a day or two, but not at

ry rapidly out of sight, and land

k into his quarters looking slily round to

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