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Wanted: A Husband

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1996    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

she will not forget the thrilling experience of that day and ot

y girlish figure would have been grim, with a small, trim, expensive hat and the smartest of

, black patent-leather shoes from the best shop in town, and a black sailor hat, with a flash of white feather in it

ts of baby-blue ribbon, together with well-chosen odds and ends of laces; no less wonderful, but much more visible négligées, with long, lustrous rhythmical lines, devised by the sa

of fairy-gift silver slippers; and over it a blue velvet wrap lined and trimmed with an old chinchilla coat, which Sensible Au

Land. For, at the last, Gloria produced the most stunning of traveling coats, dark-blue cheviot, with a quaint little cape,

ent, my dear," explain

with dreadful reprisals unless she at once dried her eyes so that account could be duly taken of her. Of t

sappeared and the eyes themselves, deep gray against clear white, were softly brilliant with health. Above the broad, smooth, candid forehead, the hair, so deep brown as to be almost black, played the happy truant in little waves and whorls as delicate and errant as blown smoke. The chin was set and firm-that was Andy Dunne's discipline of soul and body. Above

pon her handiwork, Gloria found it good, nor did she doubt that others would find it good. But what of Darcy's own bearing toward all

he is now once without looking twice," Gloria challenged the masculine world

d of his prophecies, exulted over the fact to such a point that Maud Raines felt it her womanly duty to fix a quarrel upon him. Undismayed, Holcomb took Darcy out to dinner. ("Never, never, never in the world would I have accepted, Gloria," that dangerous young person assur

has hatched fo

Helen. "It didn't

pendent in it. Moreover, she found it a business asset. Palpably affected by the richness and variety of her wardrobe, B. Riegel had proffered a guarantee basis of work which assured her future income. Thus the clothes bade fair to pay for themselves. But on alternate afternoons, Darcy, faithful to her training, garbed herself in rusty sweater, short skirt, and shapeless shoe

girl accomplish that distinctively feminine

come in from a walk, "if Monty Veyze could see us

onsense, and you know it. No man in the world w

ngrammatically. "I'd hate to put it to

Remsen from the jur

seen Jac

lop, on Fifth Av

your best bib


rough you?" ask

t exa

you?" asked the

u?" she persisted. "Yes.

" she added. "Next time you meet a nice young man like Jack Re

't got a

isn't ashamed of himself for not rememberin

nny little assumption of prudery. "H

ve been backwa

used to-to the new feeling

til you learn the right kind of self-consciousness. Being a woman is an asset, not a liability in life. When you've absorbe


s idea for a grand and glorio

aiting. I can't

th the brides for side dishes, but pri

y!" cri

aurels of a victorious evening. Stimulated to her best self by the realization of success, conscious of a buoyant body, perfectly clad, and a soaring spirit, Darcy unwittingly took and held the center of the stage, into which Gloria cunningly and unobtrusively maneuvered her. At the end of the long night of fun, Miss Cole sat enthroned. Miss Cole had

s satisfaction in the triumph of her protégé

n was in

said Gloria to Darcy, in the inevitable talk-

garding her friend. "And of course I'm going to lik

oria had she appreciated it. But how should she know the interpretation given by the girl to th

ll. But not for Miss Raines or Miss Barrett. Out of her sumptuous surplus, Miss Cole was pleased to present a dozen American Beauty roses to Miss Raines and a five-pound box of "speci

er heritage of womanhood. Where, a few brief months before-and she could laugh now at the pangs and hardships of those months which were so small a price to

as her

the grim voice of reckoning, which spoke with the accent of Si

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