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With Those Who Wait

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 3362    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ver our Parisian residence, one of the first question

t there during the fourteenth or fifteenth century, as one could easily infer after inspecting the choir of our parish church. But last Good Friday, the German

alace in 1870. And did they not witness the battles in the streets, all the horrors of the Commune, after having experienced the agonies and privations of the Siege? I have no doubt that

heir grandfathers before them the Reign of Terror-and so

ce for all the prophets and strategists of the quarter, who have no wor

ell, do you think that prevented the Parisians from fishing in the Seine, or made this café shut its doors? There was a barricade at either end of this street-the blinds were up and you could hear the bullets patter against them. T

s, well along in the fifties, just a trifle ridiculous, perhaps on account of their allure and their attire. But should one grow to know them bette

ir ideas and their systems. They would doubtless not hesitate to advise Foch. Personally, if I were Foch, I should turn a deaf ear. But if I were a timid, vacillating, pessimistic spirit, still in doubt as to

thout children, and no immediate relative in the war. Because of this, at the beginning she was looked down upon and her situation annoyed and embarrassed her greatly. But by dint of search, a most voluminous correspondence, and perhaps a little bit of intrigue, she finally managed to unearth two ver

icial communiqué which may well be considered as the national health bulletin; but besides that, there is still another

sors-grinder, the woman-who-rents-chairs-in-St.-Gervais, the sacristan's wife, the concierge of the Girls

le out marketing, pick it up

cepted only when elucidated, enlarged and embellished by Madame Coutant's group. Each morning brings a fresh harvest of ha

Bultot, the electrician, is telephone operator in that region; that the aforesaid Bultot has written to his

sorship in Madame Coutant's circle. The individual conduct of the entire quarter is under the most rigi

, there is not the slightest doubt; no one is duped by the fact tha

ound to make people think he is only fit for the auxiliary ser

t is earning a fat salary, eat two succulent dishes the same week, public opin

and narrow paths of virtue have been prescribed and there is no better guide than the fear of mutual

y efforts. And the nature of the advice that I am supposed to have given President Wilson would make an everlasting fortu

on passed upon us by the sacristan's wif

p of honest, skilful Parisian artisans, frondeurs at heart, jest

laundress of the rue de Jouy; "as if we'

of the prodigious. They ha

r each child. The French private received but thirty cents a month at the beginning of the war. The outlook was anything but cheerful, the possibility of making ends meet more than doubtful. So

nings were consecrated to house work, which must be done in spite of all, the children kept clean and

tobacco and a monthly parcel of goodies. Even the children have felt the call, and after school, which lasts from eight until four, little girls whose legs must ache from

e poilu, there is still a happiness held in reserve-a delight as keen as any one can feel in such times; i.e., the joy of knowing that the "Sep


ties that it may have cost? For once again,

had them anyway, even if

to know how "To cut a centime in four" and extract the quintessence from a bone. My concierge is a precious example for such a study, ha

h leaves, and then tasted another produced by mixing hops and violets,

ith salt, pepper, allspice, thyme and laurel, into which at cooling was stirred a glass of milk. Not particularly palatable on

used a syrup of figs that was not in the least disagreeable. The ration of one

d until one has spent a war winter in the capital he is incapab

as been left at the bottom of the recipient, the sack in which it was delivered is well shaken for stray bits, and this together with the sittings is mixed with potter's clay and sa

length amalgamated with a mucilaginous water composed of soaked flax-seed, one finally obtains a kind of pulp that one

s own model. My concierge's husband is renowned for his ingenuity in this particular branch, and people from the other side of the Isle St. Louis, or the rue St. Antoine take the time to come

fatigue cap, whose tassel bobs in the old man's eyes, and when he carried his long treasured gold to the bank, he refused to take its equivalent in notes. It was necess

known two real joys: the first when his son was promoted and made lieutenant on the battle field; the

equal esteem. Fortunately the war came and settled matters. When I say fortunately

e flame of antipathy was constantly kept kindled by a glance in passing, a half audible sneer, and if the Vidalenc chose the day of the White Sale to hang out and beat their stock of coal sacks, one might be certain that the

, would also see to it that the family feud be properly r

honest families, economical and gracious, rejoicing in the friendship o

a truce and the unforgettable words of

s of Providence. Young Vidalenc was put into a regiment tha

ere," and literally fel

man first went to Father Vidalenc's, but by the time the old man had found his spectacles, Madame Lemot had received her mi

pt and embraced, to the utter amazement of the entire quarter who feared n

enc had washed Madame Lemot's store windows, and that Madame Lemot had promised to have an e

idalenc dined at Lemot's, it was assuredly amusing to see the latter's children all togged out in thei

nd live happily ever after. But on my last trip home I caught a glimpse of an unkno

nsieur Alexandre Clouet, taylor, so read the sign over the door of the shop belonging to this pompous little person-who closed that shop on August 2nd, 1914, and r

eared a most elaborate meti


inform h

at he has jo

h infantry,

as a Fr

and it was she who pasted up the series


enches but h



m news of


Clouet's personal welfare, and passing by his shop they would copy down the la

had been cared for at a hospital in Cahors, and later on that he h

Clouet's abode. I was decidedly anxious to know what had become of him. To my sur


wounded a

litary Meda

in future

r him to cont

tention to

d his fathe

bine their ef

faction to


combining their efforts to convince a very stout, elderly ge

a surprise," she c

queried. "Is it real

p again. You see he's very sensitive since he was scalped,

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