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The Dreadnought Boys in Home Waters


Word Count: 1278    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

was yanked to his feet "all standing." Flushed, dust-cover

the flow with a

enough. Come i

t I

, I said

. Rankin picked himself up out of the dust. He appeared to be about to say something, but before he cou


thout a shadow of interest or excitement, betra

fer yer?" h

time in which to change into our uniforms," explained Ned. "We are e

man, allowing himself to betray momentarily

an get a room

rdon my saying so, yer par

hotel man must have noti

w that feller

" replied N

icking quarrels. He's an 'sistant 'gineer on the Se

ill you show us to our room right away, please?

did not take them long to don the natty uniforms of junior officers in the United States Navy. While they

Rankin being a petty officer of the Sene

d him with my new sword,"

a bad matt


would. That fellow n

des, naval officers don't behave in such a fa

have tumbled down those steps, and then nothing would have happene

moments later, as, pausing in his own preparations

inch fitted for the quarter-deck of a naval vessel when, having finished

as, with a face fiery red with his[Pg 43] exertions, his

efly, "I feel rather more like a

n that water. It looks as if you'd b

oined Herc, as he carefully removed the scabbard of that weapon from

ded from the room, just in time to

he man, coming to attention just

ng[Pg 44] addressed as Lieutenant. Herc was, in fact, compelled to hide a grin behind his

rning the man's salute. "

n Summerville sent his regrets, sir, and he is too busy attending

as well get aboar

enance shone with soap. To say that he looked surprised when he saw Ned and Herc transformed into naval officers of rank much above hi

nothing, of course, of the change in the commanding officers of the Seneca; but he recognized that Ned, as his uniform sh

alute with perfect gravity. To judge by the countenances of all three, no byst

ation which appeared to be swelling. Once, too, when on the[Pg 46] way to the boat he happened to glance in Rankin's direction, he s

, Mr. Rankin, I've no idea that you love your second in command any better than you ought to. I guess

valise. It did not take them long to reach the little wharf, alongside which lay the S

Herc hove in sight. The coxswain saluted once


t, Herc found opportunity to whisper to Ned, "

?" demanded Ned, in astonishment at Her

his mouth Herc gave

I'll know I'm tucked in my

uggested the coxswa

almly, and the four oars

on their way to their fir

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