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Young Wild West at Forbidden Pass""


Word Count: 2214    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

eady to leave when Young Wild West an

with "tanglefoot," and they wer

young deadshot they

in his cool and easy way. "So you

ed so roughly. "I reckon we've about

here?" queried Wild, as he

iles, I reckon,

anches within a hundred miles

know nothin' about this par

loon who told us. Perhaps he isn

ng to this, but went on buc

Wild asked, as they were

the reply, and the speak

aid of being held up i

at's afraid of their own shadders what's added enough to it ter make folks think it's dangerous ter go through there. We come that way,

e could have a little excitement hunting out the gan

e cowboys looke

ey did not know just w

their horses, however,

run across any outlaws in Forbidden Pass just tell them that Y

ntelligible, but as there was an oath attached to it

straight for the narrow pass at the other side of

en disappear in the pass did o

owboys and find out som

belong to the outlaws of Forbidden Pass

icked by the leader to ride to Big Bonanza for the sole purpose of leading the miners to believe that t

lking in this way, and they had partly made Hoker, the prop

ore the name of Chuck Snivel, and he

a scheming man of a fair educa

e in Silver Bend and was

eing well thought of in the mining camp, he had all the chance

ered the pass they turned and took one las

er worst one I ever had tackle me; an' ther others is putty nigh as bad, no doubt. It sorter strikes me that

ur one," answered

in Furbidden Pass we should tell 'em that Young Wil

" exclaimed Snivel. "Now,

said the second, shaking his he

ay," the third v

ur life we'll tell th


n! Let's git

at a gallop and moved

as they rode along. "I was thinkin' so much about

head is there. Yer kin bet that it'll stay there, too. Young Wild West might take a notion ter

they slowed down a little and beg

ing the hidden headquarters of t

trance being less than a quarter of a mile from the cluste

eached, and by taking the cut through the short pass just ab

t, the miners no longer took the short cut, s

sumed through the pass, and, as has been said, Chuck Snivel and two others were sent over to the l

pretty well, too, since they were now certain t

enough to convi

he pass that time three villains, who had po

and, not seeing a sign of a human being,

ing's all right,

ly to the left, to what seeme

asped a rope that was hidden

ain, leaving an opening that was large en

terial and was painted to imitate the ro

opening and his com

to the edge of the entrance and lifted a log that was lying t

s the curtain

attached to the top of the curtain was tied to the log,

ly when released, as there

any wider than the entrance itself, but it extended back

ame upon a natural underground apartment that

was surely an ideal place for

ugh the face of the cliff light was ad

lying in bunks that were built along two sides of it, and none o

is horse to a dark part of the cave and tied it to t

," answered one of them. "How did

rything would have been all right if we hadn

" exclaimed one of the robbers,

Why, do you know anythin

r jest spoke of. I got away jest by ther skin of my teeth, an' I was mighty thankful fur it, yer kin bet! Young Wild West ain't nothin' but a boy, an' neither is one of his pards. But ther

f it. They'll be lookin' fur us. What do yer s'pos

know. Wha

s in Furbidden Pass ter tell '

and showed that h

ives than a cat, an' when he shoots he kills every time. He's ther luckiest galoot what ever t

lkin' about happened ter clean out ther gang you belonged to in Arizony, don't say that they're go

swered. "But he kin do mor

's only th


re's ano

's ri

is ther th

ul one, with no mercy whe

ht maybe he might be a woma

of them lau

llain called Bob was very un

had accompanied him to Big Bonanz

uite enough to make them understand that they had struck a proposition

ing over it a horsem

, the leader of

p says about it," said Bob, h

t won't amount ter much, I reckon,"

them and listening to the news Chuc

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