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ZigZag Journeys in Northern Lands;


Word Count: 3893    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

lliam.-The Story of "Sneeze

ine and the North, Master Lewis was present, and, after the preliminary business had

ouqué, Grimm, Schiller, and Tieck, and I think that there is danger that story-reading and story-telling may occupy too much of your time and thought. Let me prop

s the biographies of authors should be given with the stories, and that only the sto

rman politics. Suppose you let me give you from time to time some short talks about the

ved with cheers and place

ith one of the talks you have planned," said the President.

as I believe in making a first meeting of this kind a sort of a mode


Germany has been full of th

King of Prussia, and his mother was Louise, an excellent woman; his youth was passed amid the excitements of Napoleon's conquests. Russia and Prussia c

King of Prussia, to tell

h conqueror, hoping thereby to obtain more favorable terms. But Napoleon

d the queen a rose,

inking of her kingdom,

you who take," answer

Elbe and the Rhine, and, uniting these to other Ger

at her country's losses, and died two years after of a

uise little thought that her second son would one day be crowned Emp

the throne as King of Prussia in 186

own character and religious faith by putting the crown on his ow

the jealousy of the French people. Napoleon III., on a slight pret


a hill of the Meuse overlooking Sedan. The king and the emperor had met before; they then were equals, brother rulers of two o

" said King William. "I had seen Napoleon only three years before, at th

g spoke

me in the war that has b

me. I did not desire it. I declared it in o

e war to meet public opinion; but your

battle. The Prussian artiller

ty any conditio

no power; I

nment in France wit

ess and the ministe

poleon I. had made with his father. The German princes in his hour of victory offered him the crown of

speak of


their seventy-fifth birthday. The age allotted t


etion of his eighty-sixth year, but-what is still more striking-at the same time

h day William was just ten years old, his father, then

n my army. You will serve in Compan

d. An hour later he reappeared before the king, attired in the uniform of his new rank;


and hardships. He at once devoted himself to the task of a junior ensign; and from that time onward became an officer in t

, and witnessing that mighty downfall. A little later, he was promoted to the rank of major for cool courage under he

om. He had put down the revolutionary rising in Berlin with grim and relentless ha

ns began to discover that King William was not only a valiant soldier, but an ar


as did his medi?val ancestors, and has not a little contempt for popular clamors and popular rights, his reign has been on the whole brilliantly wise and successful. While this has been in a great

nature, his sound sense in the choice of his advisers, and his perception of the wisdom of th


lated to show the simple good-nature of his character. In his study, on the table at which he writes, t

ps the fatal document under the helmet. Sometimes his ministers, anxious that the warrants should be signed, take occasio

em back again, without a word. So great is his repugnance to doomi

his people; but it will be very long before his fine qualities, soldierly co

were largely from Grimm and Fouqué,

, told by Herman Reed, is not so


d one child, Jamie, a handsome boy of some eight years. They were poor people; and the good

as usual, and her little boy was with her,

se was sharp and hooked, and almost reached to her chin. Her dress was made up of rags

oman?" she asked, bobbing


see; you may have

e herbs, took them up and smelled o

er heart's content, she

; nothing I want; r

s boy, Jamie; "you have crushed our herbs, held

my nose,-eh? You shall have

so at once," said the cobbler's wife;

ake these six cabbages. Six? That is more than I can carry, as I have

ble request, and the c

m stopped in an out-of-the-way part of the town, before a strange-looking house. She touched a rusty key t

oom in a palace, the ceilings were of marble

re dressed like children, and walked on two legs; they could talk and understand what was said to them. Was the beld

ry. Sit down, and I will make you a delicious soup; one that you will remember as long as you live.

, and with the help of the guinea pig

I could not find in the market. Why did your mother n

change coming over him. He seemed to become one of the family of guinea pigs and squirrels, and, like them, to

open, and he went in. In one of the secret cupboards he discovered an herb that had the same scent as the s

nd sneezed again. Suddenly he seemed to awake, as from a

laugh when I tell her my dream! I ought no

eet. The children and id

ge dwarf! Look at his nose! N

over the dwarf, but

in the same place. She seemed altered; looked many years older

atter, mother


dwarf? Do not mock me. I have ha

r, what has

to embrace her, but sh

came to her and

r's shop. His father was there

is that?" said he wil

tting on, maste

getting old, and hav

you no

one, ye


is he

was kidnapped one marke


ill-bred children followed him. He chanced to pass a barber's shop,

. He was a dwarf, with a nose li


at the eating of the magic soup that contain

eceived, as dwarfs are in such places, and he asked to be employed in the kitchen,

chief cook in a little time, and enjoyed the duke's favor for two years. He

strangest thing o

yes, prepare to

as he knew the duke would relish. He purchased a cage of three geese, but

sick," he said; "I will

onishment, the g

my b

cause your

as some enchanted being, and

ad feathers on you, as

daughter of Wate

r friend; I know how to pity yo

d the prince. The prince was highly pleased

that you have not pro

hat?" aske


arf to make the rare di


tasted, he pushed

eculiar herb. It is not like that

wering passion, s

rightly for the next banquet," he

t distress, and he went t

oose; "it is an herb called Sneeze w

the guard, who had been placed over him until he shou

time; but at last the goose spied the magic leaf across th

he soup," said the dwarf. "Thank the Fates!

ight, and lo! he began to grow, and his nose began to shrink, an

ied her to a great magician, who delivered her from her enchantment, and sh

and he loaded Jamie with presents,

brought his old father and mother to live with the

such a tale as that?"

edness, to find the ma

wn, which he called "Stories in Verse." We give two of them here; each relates an i


hall in the c

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softened r

the musi

prince, and B

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that hal

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I have we

in my mountai

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ted well," said

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e monarch's

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fell at

he day w

blessed the

bugles pla

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