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ZigZag Journeys in Northern Lands;


Word Count: 3805    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e Christmas.-The Stor

on the Rhine was

of but little else during his stay there. Wherever he may be, the

ounded by Clovis. It has been imperilled by lightning some fifty times, and has as often repelled the shocks of war. In

ture was begun. At one time a hundred thousand men wer

was partly burned, but it rose from the fl


sburg for the cathedral. Master builder succeeded master builder,-died,-but the great work went on. In the French Revolution the Jacobins tore from the cathedral the statues of two hundred and thirty saints; but it was still a city of saints in stone and marble. In 1870,


onder at the windows. They burned with color, and seemed to hang in air a

circular window that seemed to blaze in the a

e cl


d see the fixings, an

I; 'you stand in a monument of art that

orrow when the Twelve Apostles come


elian, the Roman em

ain a thous

ads of a thousand, thou

ds of a thousand, thousand,

e a thousa

h whom began the empire of France. He was a savage and passionate man, born to command and to conquer. He was a heathen. It is related of him that once, when he had enri

said Clovis; "there the

to show his contempt for him and the Church, struck the vase with his battle-axe. Clovis was offended. He gave the

ou to the vase

n, and she often tried to persuade

lonies on the Rhine, crossed the river, and invaded the territory of the Franks. Clo


answer him. He saw he was in danger of b

im a servant

eve only on the Lord of heaven, whom

is eyes in hope

d upon my own gods, and they have left me. Thee I invoke. Give me victory, and

turned, the Allemannians were

Rheims to instruct him in Christianity. He publicly renounced hi


e in Christian history; it was on that da

palace to the baptistery, over which the king was to pass, was curtained with silk, mottoes, and banners, like a triumphal way. Th

els, standards, and cross. Hymns were chanted, as they swept along. Then came the Bishop of Rheims, leading

eemed impressed with t

dom promised

ut it is the entrance to

ry the bishop s

y; adore what thou hast burne

riors. With the imposing rite, Christianity in France began, and w


hat are unknown in America. In Germany and in the French provinces the organist of the town is a very important person. The choice of


proud of the eminent organists they have had in the past. Ea

l is associated with an

in the latter part of the last century it was more than ten times its present size, and its c

nd. It was of the Gothic and Romanesque style of architecture, and was not only finely proportioned on the exte

id for by a separate subscription, raised in small sums by the common people, and, having been built by sk

d instrument? How should a co

brasseries or taverns; and for a period of six or eight weeks you might be sure, if you saw more th

hould be allowed to choose a person to play it. And, the decision being thus left to the multitude, the most feasible plan that was

of these, hoping for a favorable decision for himself, gave no end of little suppers a

wo, between whom the choice really lay. T

verybody by his skill, he had not been liked from the first. He was very reserved and parsimonious, and his eye never met fr

d by all. He had married one of the village maidens, and had been so inconsolable at her death, which occurred

and that he be elected at once. But although Baptiste Lacombe was not liked, his skill found many admirers; and, besides, it was flat

o the arrangements previously made, at nine o'clock in the forenoon the three great doors of the c

crowd quite filled the whole space. All male inhabitants of the town who were over twenty years

arge gallery over the entrance, and extended up and up into the

m one to another were not the kindliest. Each of them had been allowed several hours, at some time during th

e town, who had been chosen for that purpose, ascended two steps of the stairway which curved

he affair is not minute enough for that. But suffice it to say that the last name on the

together nervously, and his eyes flashing-as was afterwards remarked upon-with a malicious

to wonderful combinations, now and then working in a sweet melody, and then again upward until the grand harmonies of the full organ rol

r prosaic selves again, looked in each other's

e murmurs of admiration, were heard the remarks, "That is fine, but Raou

s of the pulpit, and called the na

the organ-loft. The musicians there looked around and

as greatly excited, and was wiping the perspiration from his heated face. "Perhaps he was afra

ey only said, "Ah, mon Dieu, how he d

fusion in the nave a

o look for the missing man;

as to

mediate election, declaring that he had far surpassed all competit

erous but helpless; they knew their friend too well to believe him capable of

ng of hands, Monsieur Baptiste Lacombe had ten times as many ballots as any other person

ppeared, others in a little alarm at his strange absence. Young Fran?ois Tegot had

boy said that he had seen him go into the church with Monsieur Lacombe early that morning; but Monsieur Lacombe said, very distinctly and with some

n was too great to be thrown rashly upon anybody. Thus no progress in the inquiry was made. A human life did not mean so much in those stormy days after the Revol

ld not have been absent from the trial willingly; and he firmly believed that he had met with a violent death. More than this he would not say; but

was made. As the organ needed repairs, it was decided to repair

e, and was to begin work early the following morning. That night a

ame hurriedly out of the town-house, and hastened away towards the church. It was the organ-builder, very much excited, and one of the officials of the town. The young man, venturing on hi

fficial asked him, but led the way quickly to the organ-loft. "Put your foot

wildered to comply, and

he next on

; only a queer, intermittent rumbl

he organ-builder. "Follow m

eat trial-day, years ago," muttere

em, reaching up out of the dim light below, were the open pipes. Passing hurriedly around, on a narrow plank, to the back of the organ, their agit

s tube that he indicated, and both

!" gasped the frigh

n to get back their wits; and the young man advised that

ad been informed of the nature of their work, and all were under intense excitement. The pipe was very long, and the body was at least five feet from the top

dy cared particularly for the dead man,

happen?" w

s suicide," an

o the hand of the dead man, which was tightly clenched upon a small cord. One of the workmen approached, and with some difficulty drew out the line: a

, he advanced, and, lifting the bag tenderly out into a more convenient position, he said s

length took from his pocket a kni

r the opening revealed a piece of cloth,-a coat, which even the town official could

e bag quite open, and drew forth a watch and an embroidered vest; in a pocket of the coat was fo

e color forsook his face and his eye


morning of the trial, and had secreted the body in some unknown place and hidden the valuables here. Frightened by the f

, "but shall be revealed. Sin is its own

than it had been at the time of Tegot's disappearance, and many and

en organist, and held the pos

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