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Chinkie's Flat and Other Stories


Word Count: 2199    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

as at the hall door giving

re-anywhere. Chuck some over into the cemetery-they'll make the dead 'get up and holler.' Tell the boys that they are not to make any charge-get the foreman to head it 'Special! Gratis! (Any one newsboy who ma

editor returned to the dining-room with a galley-proof slip in his ha

e placed his hand on Grainger's shoulder, and whispered, "You must come with me, old man. There is glorious news from Chinkie's. I'll tell you all about it in a minute, as soon as we are outside. Make you

pème, adjusting her pince-nez, whi



"Authentic news ha

hat the mail stea

t Barrier Beef thre

ssengers-200 in num

ay to Townsville.



l, which has been

rible massacre perpe

ndy and Daylight. A

a lagoon near Dry C

ir sleep by the two

he bodies were fou

and a patrol of Na

e murderers. Detail

n in to-morrow's is

hausted to stand

iew to




ail, which brought

k, also comes most

torious Grainger,'

, some months ago s

ountry near the he

ult that probably t

has been discovered

nuggets ranging fr

taken by Mr. Grain

nied by an escort

the place to-morrow

ich field has been

o the flooded cond

ee Creek and

present in this ci

ll benefit the coun

d his energet

ly!" said Mrs. Trappème, as she laid the proof on the

at a rich alluvial gold-field would be discovered in the Banshee Creek cou

ahs!" said Mr. Assheton to Myra. "Did it occ

d quite a number of murders during the past two years. They killed five or six poor Chinese diggers on the Cloncurry Road las

rate pair," said Mr. Wooler, who the

tomahawk, and then decamped to the ranges with their rifles and ammunition. They found a refuge and safe retreat with the savage myalls (wild blacks) inhabiting the granite ranges, and then began a career of robbery and murder. Small parties of prospectors found it almost impossible to pursue their vocation in the "myall country," for the dreaded ex-troopers and their treacherous and cannibal allies were ever, on the watch to cut them off. In the course of a few months, by surprising and killing two unfortunate Chinese packers, the desperadoes became possessed of their repeating rifles and a lot of ammunition, and the old single-shot police carbines were discarded for the more effective weapons. Sandy, who was the leader, was a noted shot, a

of Carp

he horse he had been riding, and unloading the pack-horse, he threw his packbags at the foot of a Leichhardt tree, lit a fire, and began to boil a billy of tea. He knew that he was in dangerous countr

ss him by name, and looking up, he saw a powerfully-built black fellow with a long black beard and smiling face standing a dozen yards or so away. He w

Mr. Potter?" he said

him at once, and t

left the police?" (He knew

arelessly putting his rifle down, he ask

of tobacco, which he handed to his visitor, who took them eagerly, at once produced a silver-m

in a smile. "But I haven't forgot that when I got speared on the Albert River five years ago you drove me into Burketown in your buggy

ord, and indeed he had been compelled to dismiss him on account of his dangerous temper. He heard later on that the ma

ly told his involuntary host part-but part

m here. If they see you, they'll kill you for certain between now and to-morrow night, when you are going th

d in nuggets to allow him to have "a fine time in Sydney or Melbourne," where he meant to make his way some day "when things got a bit quiet and people thought he was dead." In proof of his assertion about the gold he gave Potter a two ounce nugget he picked out from several others

e clergyman had concluded his story. "Why don't the p

y," explained Myra, "and, in fact

ther to Myra's-leaving Mrs. and Miss Trappème and Mrs. Wooler to, as Sheila said,

d right. She's an

en o'clock. He tapped at Myra's do

here; we've been ha

you both, especially Miss Carolan, very early in the mo

d. Has Mr. Mal

re for another half-ho

oor of her own sitting-room, where she and Juliette (Mrs. W

d like to know! Did you hear that-'I want to see you both very early, especially Miss Garolan'? What is there going

some jelly and pastry given to him by his fond

beach ope

horrid little animal,"

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