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Chinkie's Flat and Other Stories


Word Count: 1502    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

tume, came outside his tent, and filling his pipe, sat down on the ground, and with his hands clasped on his k

-famished surrivors of his company, and thought of the past horrors and hardships of the fearful journey from the Cloncurty. Fifteen of their number had been murdered by blacks in less

ia enabled him to pilot the remainder of his men by forced marches to the Cape River, where they had spelled for a month so as to gain strength fo

oo, would give it up and follow their departed comrades. For the Chinamen knew that those dry and dusty heaps of mullock and grey and yellow sand, on which the death adder and the black-necked tiger snake now coiled themselves to sleep in the noon-day sun, still contained go

is lieutenant-he bade him tell the men to prepare to go down

ion. The tall, sick man is well disposed towards us, and we must be patient and submit to the tyranny of the others for a little while. But all may y

g a small bottle, put it in his coat pocket, and, des

house and sat down on rudely made reclining chairs, composed of two p

tlemen," said the

as wearing a heavy overcoat, for the chill of an attack of agu

ravel for a fortnight unless we carry them. But the rest will do them much good, especially if they get a change of food. I h

pools are alive with them now that the creek is so low. And anywa

nt you from taking fish in the creek, and even if

hen, addressing himself to the landlord,

ad a small herd of cattle running wild about t

u like-the biggest in the lo

handed him a five-pound note, and

his. But, anyway, I'll saddle up and get a man to help me run the mob into the stockyard. Then you can pick o

nd riding one, and leading the other, he went off to the new shaft

o the sick man, and


nths ago, and thought I was getting clear of it, but a month

for ten years, and have had it myself. Now, here is some medicine which will do you good-it will cure you in ten

he took the bottle; "it is very kind

etown on the Etheridge River. He is a man who knows all about fever, and I can

naman, who looked at the finger-nails for a moment

s soon as the sun gets pretty

now. Can I go inside and

s very good of you to

an poured out a dose of the mixture, and with a s

n about Chinkie's Flat, its past glories and its present condition. The frank, candid manner of Ah San evoked a similar freedom of speech from the Englishman

y to him, told him exactly of the situation of himself and his company, and ended up by making him a certain proposition r

int. At the end of an hour's conversation they heard the cracking of the landlord's stock whip an

ope you will be able to convince your

ur men can help us, and we can help you. Come down again to

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