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The Red Watch

The Red Watch


Chapter 1 IToC

Word Count: 2008    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


st is that the chronological order must be maintained. Besides, when stirring deeds by brave men are

s both interesting and tragic. The stories and legends surrounding the campaigns of these brave me

ou find the plant that is so characteristically Scottish, growing naturally, and that is in Point Pleasant Park, Halifax. Tradition has it that on this spot, in 1757, the soldiers of the "Black Watch," the 42nd Hi

dge of so many of their clansmen, planted the heather seed where it now grows. Others, that the palliasses or mattresses of the soldiers were emptied here after the voyage, and the heather with which they

ortalized by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Parkman and the poem of Robert Louis Stevenson. It is told how on the eve of the battle there appeared to Duncan Campbell, of Inverawe, Major of the Black Watch, the wraith of a relative, murdered by a man to whom Campbell had granted sanctuary. This wraith had years previously appeared to him and warned him

is of the French under Montcalm, hacking at the branches with their broadswords, climbing the ramparts with the assistance of their comrades, only to be hurled b

nderoga the "Black Watch" were ma

and quite a few of the descendants of these old warriors helped to

rd on the heels of the gallant Black Watch. This regiment, known as the old 78th, was celebrated in many ways. This is the corps raised by Lo

his regiment at Quebec which broke through the French line as if it were paper, is accounted for by the story that the Highlanders were rendered frantic by the fall of Wolfe whom they idolized, as the young staff officer wh

pipe its coron

en moor, o'er

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that the men should discard their kilts and don trousers. The officers and men of the regiment would not hear of it, and the historian of the regiment says that the kilt was retained winter and summe

ches trousers. With the snow on the ground and half an inch of ice on the water pails in the morning

raised by Hon. Arch. Montgomery, son of the Earl of Eglington. This regiment took

ave carved a name for himself with his good broadsword, which was his only fortune. Whilst his regiment was in America his letters failed to reach her, and finally the troop ship on which Charteris sailed for home was driven ashore and his regiment took eight months to make the voyage. All hands were given up as lost, and Major Ch

ndlier remembrance in Canada than this gallant corps. The name and number has been perpetuated in the British Army List. Its exploits will never be forgotten and should be cherished by all

e revolutionary period. McLean raised one battalion in the States among the loyal Highlanders of Virginia and the Carolinas. He was assisted by Capt. McLeod, a former officer in Fraser's regiment. Through many perils and devious routes the men who enlisted found their way to the battalion rendezvous, and when they had all gathered they marched

rants, during the second siege. Their undaunted conduct stirred to emulation the brave French-Canadians who

ord Cornwallis in his operations in New York and the Southern coast States. Later the two batt

years later, in the ranks of the "Red Watch," or 48th Highlanders of Canada, fought side by side in the

endants still live on their original homesteads and have filled honourable positions in the public and private life of their country. The members of Small's battalion sett

Fencibles. Descendants of these soldiers were amongst the first to offer their services for Flanders in 1914. One gallant officer

e Battle of Lundy's Lane alongside the 100th Prince of Wa

n kindly remembrance are the following: The Highland Light Infantry, the 73rd, 74th, 78th, 79th and 93rd. Many of the off

ghest offices in the gift of the people have gone to the men of Scottish origin like Sir John Macdonald, Alexander Mackenzie, George Brown and Sir Oliver Mowat, whose genius for organization

stral castle, when he reaches the shores of Canada he finds the Field Marshal's b

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