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Captured by Leo

Captured by Leo


Chapter 1 The start of something different....

Word Count: 1667    |    Released on: 18/12/2017


nd been there since day one. Without you guys, I wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you so so so so much for the 5M f

aced my best friend who pop

ou girl, congratul

for so long that we now we live with each other. She was main

hat I would do

ugh, love you!" I gushed while s


ieve it? Omg, 5M followers. Wow....oh....5M...that's a lot

cause we're not going to think about this shit until we c

rowning, "

bringing myself along. You know, so we can

bitch." I rephra

thing now. We'll just go and have a good time, you deserve it. Besides, you have an appointment with

I agree

Grand just for three months, you said yea.

'd be lost without you


" I asked while slump

g and be back by next Friday. I already

just please don't bring

romise y




oom?" I asked Nuli as I too

Oh, before I forget. We're going to Malta, it's like 50 miles from where we are no

asn't here

You're a fashion icon, beauty blogger, Vlogg

t what they adore me f

wanted to be in the lime lig

imsuit pic on Insta. Maybe I liked it at fi

he fuck up and live

lessings, who knew that one pic w

use they see the real you, Some will bash you and say you're a whore while other compliment you on how sexy and inspiring you are. I'm so proud of you; you're not some bitch

lock out all the hate and



r?" I questioned him while loo

roughout the club while wom

h Freddy. He hasn't paid his debt and

y three years, he was th

what you have to do, ma

careful. Would you like to me to

l. "Do you have anything new? I'm tired of her, she getting us

one. She will be all yours, wan

Bring the one that has been very disobedience. I'll b

breathing." Waving to one of his man

I've always been know as the diavolo. My me

I am, a monster

me out of my thoughts. Sebris, one of my brot

ttle one,

ff my suit jacket to get more a

you Lahaina, but he will never find you." I

for my eyes to feast on. Her cries fille

ace while grabbing the whip off the t

r." I looked down on my watch before looking into her horrifying stare. "An hour or so, I would have loved to stay more but. Other plans I have to attend too. Take it like a g


too." I yelled while


by the neck while lo

inst her thighs, legs, stomach, chest, h




filled the room and the monster

ORE?" I asked whi


my work of art, she was going

n her freshly woun

question, rubbing salt

hout the room and pure



ng today. It's an honor to work wi

and shook

d in life; your designs are beautifully made. I

k you both up for dinner. Thank yo

, and boy was I glad. Just wanted to head back to the hotel an

, can't wait to see how the pictures tur

n everything around me."Never knew Malta was

the men look

refree. I love that about her cause I was the opposite. Every s

Plaza la rialto tonight. We'll have dinner with them than excuse ourselves, we got to get back to Sicily and enjoy the rest of

wered with

uldn't wait to take a shower a

ur room in no time, I entered th

tee-shirt on. I ran out and tucked mysel

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