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McEdifice Returns

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 829    |    Released on: 27/12/2017

oan and the sound of a body

rked the wheelbarrow and headed off the

when he bumped in

ice, relieved to see

, " said Noz

he spooky forest at this tim

like a regular person, ha,

led noise came fro

ied McEdifice, "

z! And then he tripped and…erm…, then h

ck?" said McEdifice helping an appar

get him back to the

itary grade flashlight." said McEdifice with a strong hint o

I can explain OK."

of suspicion had become a fully flavo

t hurt me!"

vitis!" said

a space vamp…what? Sor

various aspects of his gums. "See, receded gums make your teeth look long and pointy. They've also become discoloured due to lack of care

with these messed up mind games.

al hygiene is not something to be made light of. Did I ever tell you of

was your bedtime story for the

n essential element of the combat ready warrio

sed the situation. "I think I'd better help Chucko

was hoping you could both hel

ink I'd better go and see the camp orthodontist right now." said

come back later to see me fight!" c

or the undead: crossbows with garlic infused birch wood stake bolts, holoprojectors loaded with hi-resolution full color renderings of crucifixes, state-of-the

ch could not be killed was prepared. With 30 minutes to go, McE


e contrail of an orbital lift-craft on its way to a Lagrange Platform for interstel

ng around him was empty. No eager recruits, no General O'Fiercegaiters, n

rly long in a boxing rink, triggered his anti-vampire booby traps. He was pummelled by small sharp sticks


climbed down f

il. Remarkably the sound was followed by the sight of a man

t Ernie, in civilian

ce, who was surprised by how relieved

ut on a recreational bike ride in these times o

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