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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - Trouble in Atjibur

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 296    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

" the Dude

" Larso

rges too much, and since he's the only one in town able to treat

and menacing, but he had an insight. He nodded, spat, ro

er the spiders' fangs and whatever eggs are still intact. They'll sell for more than you would believe. Now,

with whom, " Garrett asked. Seanessy and the Dude glanced at each other then at La


ith me, Dude, "

yhow, " Seanessy said

id. "You smell worse

ot what

preciating a victory. Laughing and joking, the group of adventurers drank from canteens and snacked on bits of dried fruit and bread left over from previo

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