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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - Trouble in Atjibur

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 938    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

the fence

nt, there was another tunnel to the right, but without a compass and proper orienteering there was no


ctions said to follow the path to the right, dow

is with yas', " the dwarf clai

me, and I will punch you in

"Only a dwarf can truly feel his way under

yond glittering stalactites, past a babbling stream, and way deep down into the caves of Atjibur. They finally came to a halt in a rather narrow corridor when they spotted a neatly etched arch in the natural stone; someone had clearly taken the time to mark the entrance

followed the map,

idn't, " Lars

ued, "Supposing he did, t

r, " Seanessy asked and move

mischief of rats suddenly rounded the corner ahead of them and scurried towards Seanessy who cheered, drew his hammer, spun

rked as he took the dead rat and s

nuing through the corridor all the way up to a corner. Garrett halted

n running from som

f something, muscles tensed and ears twitched. Seconds passed without so much as a sou

h hall's end destination. Two were marked as storage rooms, one was marked a dead end,

suggested. "The Dude is looking for treasure,

the map and can read

a note. Stop being such an

st a day behind him, "

es. He didn't, "

is voice. "We check the stor

oden house interrupted their dispute. It vanish

for sure this way,

we can get a move on,


ide light and retraceable steps. The new light revealed bones and dust along the ground. It was difficult to tell if they were human remn

spered. "Looks like i

n said. "Gotta

eft Seanessy to complain, and do his best to trot after both of them. Upon reaching the storeroom—a barren, square room with crate

ran back from here, do the

r sure, but I th

in the sconce, intending to light it, but when he forced it into the steel holder, it rotated to the side, thus letting the torch fall out aga

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