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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - Garrett's Tale

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 901    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

off his horse. He then extended his hand to assist Ga

" Garrett smiled an

ood and patted his mount. When he turned to speak to Simon, he noticed the fe

ish road was also quite visible against the dark green of the northern wild lands. There were many meadows and areas full of thickets, bushes, grasses, and flow

uncing aroun

you should ride ahead and talk

rousers. "Naw', mate. It's you I'm worried over. You're in

ried for Simon. Strange things were happening. Just the two of us,

I should pee

the saddle bags. The fencer came back, saw the food, and thought it best to eat as well,

too much time,

" Garrett agree

haded, which made for a peaceful ride. Little puffs of brown dust blew out from beneath hooves. The grasses were yellowing from a lack of water, but the bushes were thriving. Intermixed within the meadows we

that's an orcish name,

ne was so loud that it was audible from their position over a mile to the s

id. "She's a half-orc though, so…

"Orcs don't usua

he cunning required to make such rank. They're best at sma

caught glimpses of small houses; rangers' homes or perhaps hunting lodges. They

f crescent concavity at the mountain's foot. "This area here wa

d down into the meadow towards the road. There was no entrance into the mountain there, which Garrett knew meant that the mine

s brought

ing up with a friend on their way to Xorinth. Simon was intrigued. Under the light of day, the guard remov

imon asked, unable to h


ing nice clothes, if dirtied from recent events, too nice for travel, and he looked smart. Making eye contact, Simon realized the absurdit

n. "Not quite, friend." The fencer took a mome

road. Once more, they trotted down the path, which quickly turned into up the path, as they climb

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