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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - Garrett's Tale

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 870    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

s evident they were miners making trips to and from the mountains. The western edge of Talsador, the closest to Garrett and Simon, was farmland and ranch

points farthest from workers and their homes. Shops were in one district, the poor in another, and temples were usually interspersed along with the inns, restaurants, curio shops, and the occasi

lake where the nobility lived in immense mansions, and made straight for the barracks, a long, stone building with a thatched

re, " Simon said. "Guards do

eone see


large stables built into the eastern side of the building, and a fat, fussy wo

then, Si, " she ac

see to Lola, Garrett's mount. She took a s

ck the horse, though she made exaggerated comments about how poorly the pretty boy must've treated her. Garre

corridor Garrett presumed hid the cells. A muscular, half-orc woman sat with her booted

athery skin. When she stood to acknowledge the new arrivals, her chain mail j

grumbled. "Wha

mention of giant bats. She grunted a couple of times, but never interrupted her subordin

to size him up. They were about the same height, though Garrett was stooping a b

city, yo

umbled and placed he

imon stated, I'm really just passing the time until

e these bats be from?" she

, " Garret

ll yer frien

a bit tired. Would you mind if I found a place to sleep for t

fe. Soft bed. Not

such as myself needs a finer place…so…if you'll excuse

ood bed cost lots. Yer' cloth

the verge of laughter, and then looked back to Ograk with a

miled as much as a half-orc could. "Yo

ghed, too. Garrett looked horrified; the implica

ow then, " Garrett sai

with her meaty paw. "'Ey! I think you make go

t I have a love interested

, right? Elf not rough in bed like half-orc. I g

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