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The Great White Lion (boyxboy)

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 A Thief Stole His Kiss

Word Count: 3596    |    Released on: 05/01/2018

ways knew that the cave would make him feel better, yet it didn't. Something was missing, and he knew exactly what it was. He convinced himself that he would be

ously wouldn't know how Raja was, would he? The villagers might just think that he was a traveler passing by. He wanted that to happen, but he didn't at the same

e inhabitants of the forest were called like "Birds" and "Rabbits". Some of the more brave animals would contact him with calls he under

o talk to him? Hoe would others react to his foreign appearance? Most of the villagers were pale since sunlight was a privilege, yet Raja was as tan as light bark of the trees outside his cave

again. It was completely obvious in the snow and against his white fur, but he didn't care. it smelled like cinnamon, and that's th

aws against the ground to shake off the leftover snow from his mind-relaxing walk which didn't completely do its job right. he shook his whole body to ge

bring back to the cubs. Raja was fascinated with her amazing skills, so he decided to make his own. She helped him, of course, and that'

a growled, but soon got helpful as he aged. His bright cerulean blue orbs spotted the bright red coloring of a scarf, and he immediately wrapp

t as fast as he was used to be traveling with, but it gave him to think to himself, even if he had enough of that to begin with. He

was ex

ver have. Maybe, it was the warmth of the white, fur jacket he held to him that made his weird dreams go to rest

a beast dud

infested to be annoyed at from life itself. Today was a new day for Noble. He sat up from his wooden bed, stretching his lean muscles that screamed in thank you. As soon as he swing his legs over

ne act of rebellion cause his mood to soar above the clouds? Why hadn't he done this sooner? He grabbed the brush next to the sink to brush out his lig

Noble's hand. Noble, in hand, almost screeched since he was so suddenly pull

into the water bucket that held out clean water and began brushing. I followed

od night sleep?" Noble

Noble decided to pick her which she was warmer than he thought. She snuggled to her shirtless brother's thin frame with a lov

s landed on his mother under a wool blanket with her eyes closed. Noble guessed that she was still some what still asleep. Noble sat his

asked boldly wi


up like a flame, huh?" Sometimes, Nobl

u're talking about."

your sleep," Sam giggled, slapping her mouth like she h

was blue. The color was imprinted into his brain like a brand burning onto the back of his skull. I

more to the size of snowballs once she realized that Noble didn't know what the heck she w

Give me his nam


y n


use w

rged,"I'm sure if you look deep down,

n. Sam shot him a disgusted look of horror, backing away from her older

s leg, but to Noble, that was weak. Being the good brother she claims

festival later on this week." Their mother scared them both,

's glare. Success at his job well done, he quickly slipped into a outfit a

ves or gossip in general. She was that "hip" mom, but let's be honest, she really wasn't. Noble groaned, hating how Sam

through the cracks on that one. Nice try." His mother pouted as t

e, right sweetheart?" Their mother fake-pouted, glanc

er light brown curls bouncing al

ng eyes, and she nodded over to thei

against me." Their mothe

ts of workers furiously working quickly. It was cold, Noble pointed out, so no doubt would they want to hurry to

k on your progress, and if I dare see you slacking off, I'm going to hide tha

he most beautiful thing Noble has ever seen. It was like stars, but closer to you. You could see the vibrant light of the different color lanterns

ran over to his friends, giving th

to make itself known. The older women was scolding him about something before letting go of the little girl Raja thought was very cute. Deciding to get a closer look, but at the same time he wouldn'

o the best of his ability. Raja stared at how the dull sunlight shined on his cheeks like he were a incarnation of temptation. It was true that Raja wanted to ju

The blonde-haired girl chuckled. She set her hand

e slack?" Noble's soothing voice entered Raja's ears, and whatever tense feeling he was conquering in his nerv

hool-free days fun!" His other friend, a male with a mischievous glint in his eye, was almost immediately written

Raja was curious to what these things were. He slipped off his bag and jacket, suddenly gathering some unknown heat. He could feel this

n though he wasn't a lion at the moment. His blue eyes soon caught them trying to leave, so in a rush he grabbed his bag

el Noble tense. Was he going to be okay? Raja felt like he should comfort him, but if he

w worriedly. He got closer, and closer, daring fate to finally make

oble. All three of them stopped in the middle of th

? It's starting to hurt. . ." Noble

on turned into a big grin as she held Noble's han

couldn't think more on the topic when hands covered his

nted to see how this unfolded. As we walked back to the middle of the town, Raja's hands were tied together behind him, an

f him. Mylo was being oddly distraught but still proud of him while Daley still had that full out blown smirk on her face. When we arrived, there w

the strength to push back the crowd. His heart stopped when his eyes lande

muscles were strong and prominent. His body was the color of sun-kissed skin. He was extremely tall. Each time Noble felt his heart, he cou

en is his little rebellion days ago. Noble was surprised even further when the man smiled. God, Noble could jus

gent Acker?" One of

. Even got a bag full of stuff!" Mr. Acker's

the man and the elders inspecting him. His heart must of stop

him getting in trouble. All he knew is that this man was his spirit, and you know what? He didn't care. He

e widely. Noble gaped at how easily Raja snapped his restraints, earning gasps from the watching crowd. Those were

ne dared to interfere with this display as they could sense that Raja was extremely powerful if he could break the unbreakable. The


ldn't hold in a moan as Raja continued his assault on Noble's dry mouth. Raja didn't even give a care if people were watching

he could defeat anyone in his path. He hadn't felt so strongly since he was a young child. Sadly, good things had t

s heart breaking. He could see some of his memories, and his heart lept up into his throat. Noble couldn't move, because of the disbelief of what R

is ears with no end. They asked who he was, and why it happened. He only

tail out that this man as in

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