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The Great White Lion (boyxboy)

Chapter 1 Chapter 1: Five Gold Pieces Richer

Word Count: 2946    |    Released on: 05/01/2018

urries onto the tops of wooden plank roofs. One single breath would be blown back by the forceful winds of high snow tops

e kind of things anymore. Kind of useless seeing someone

I can smell it fr

how do you say it? Unprepared

confessing to a g

In a blink of an eye, the news seemed to spread around the small population of the school, soon branching out to the whole town. Noble hadn't been so disappointed since that one time wher

until a small figure turned the corner to reveal, Daley, a very smart young women who sat next to Noble in their Human Stud

ld. This runny nose and cough wasn't going to torture him more if he were to protect himself from mother nature's wraith. He follow

ence. He was one of those boys who bragged about how wealthy his family was, or how his spirit partner was better than any

at bad boy look, and Daley would drop her fur pants for him right there in front of obvious students. Noble personally thought that this was by far the most ridiculous thing he had ev

y walked over to the nervous, sweating in the coldest mountain, jock. Callum glared at the troublemaker and turned his atten

um barely manged to

orning?" Daley sounded rather confiden

s and made immature kissing noises. Noble snorted, holding in his laughter. One wrong no

h he had been holding onto for at least the whole day and motioned for Daga, his snow

ars were scattered on the board with the big question while the moon hid in the corner. Noble held in his breath, amazed how the the girl who

to awaken the animals. Noble held onto Mylo's forearm in hope that his best friend could an

eaded ways. His fists clenched in fury as he was publicly - in front of the whole damn village - humiliated. Daley smirked at her words were getting to the stubborn jock, so she decided to add fuel to the fire for the fun of it,"Actually, I saw

id hand. You see, Noble and Mylo made a bet the very morning they heard about the confession and ask. Noble instantly propped up from his sleepy daze, an

two boys who were now almost passed out by the lack of breath. Noble a

through the crowd and over to Daley, who was now fighting off her own laugh. Izzy's snake wrapped

thin ice, and Noble could only admire her brave act

would snap at random town folk no matter the age for no reason, and even one time went as far as injuring one of the teachers for giving her a bad gr

ran over to Daley once the elders collected Izzy to punish in town hall. The rule was simple in the village. If there was anything that disturbed the pe

is frozen tears away as Daley winked at Noble. Daley wrapped

hat felt to say." Daley giggled

." Mylo coughed out the rest of what he ha

to Noble's house then." Daley suggest

mmunity, and she did whatever she could to help around. She knew that everything wasn't always going to be peaceful like the elders had hoped it would. Noble admired her de

d the ground and refilled the gaps of foot prints left behind by the three friends. Mylo was the first to push the wooden door of

r brother's leg. Noble smiled sweetly, breaking away from Daley's grip. His pale complexio

er please?" Sam nodded with her big, heart-warming smile and sped off into the hall once again to gather what her mother had asked for. N

fine." No

plained while forcing Noble to sit close to the fire,"Being a Beast Dud is your othe

ally everyday when he wondered around the school to race to his classes. His teachers looked down on him like he were a troll, and it made Noble feel extremely self-conscious about h

nd would always develop a special bond only those two could embrace. On the other hand, a Beast Dud was technically a person whom hadn't gotten their beast partner before sixteen or simply

oble hated he

't you?" Noble smirked sarcastically. His mothe

lty, I would of brought my

pped a blanket around him. Noble's unnatural grey eyes gazed back to see his

k you

lcome, big

or the boy who he obviously knew was Callum. Daley's dirty blond hair bounced every time she would laugh or simply move her curls. Daley was a very independent women which was confused with her innocent

They gave him a chance, and well, his little sister made him feel like he meant something. Sam looked up to him like he were her life support. Noble felt that same as he wouldn't let anyone to

all. Be good kids!" Noble's mother made it clear that she was leaving with her

mommy!" Sam pouted, si

ful. I'll be back before the moon rise

ingers while he discreetly picked her up and back into his arms. Sam latched onto him for support as Noble got up onto his feet to get to the kitchen. No

, Sammy!" Sam giggled like her adorable self. Her light brown hair similar to her old brother's swayed to her hips as

that was present at the table. Mylo immediately shoved his way to the soup, soon burning his mouth in the process. Daley was at least smart and blew on it before taking a sip. She moaned in ple

id,"How have you been

on though. Mom rubbed some herbs in it, so it would prevent me from gettin

the other news." D

. . t

- " Mylo tried to assure

bad, is it?" Noble muttered,"Even though i

. Her small pink lips curved in a bright smile that always seemed to cheer Nobl

mmed his

nd he said that they met in the wi

hand on Noble's back. Noble silently groaned at the spurt of pain

y this amazing bear soup that your moth

Noble an

s talked, played chess, and told stories about themselves,

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