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Dorothy Dale's School Rivals


Word Count: 1861    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

this spot

d girl, and there was a low, moaning sort of echo

ld not swim, that was certain

is series, and thus enable them to get a keener insight into the characters we are now followi

temperament to that of Dorothy’s, is a great friend of the prettiest girl in Dalton, Dorothy Dale.12 Tavia is fearless and fearful; Dorothy is clear-minded, well balanced and capable. In this story is related how Dorothy get

refuge of young girls whose mothers are “too busy” to bring them up. Neither are the girls there of the type who believe that boarding school life is a lark, with original slang at each end; and an attractive centre piece about mid-way, devoted to

olesome sports of youth, until that other element, “Jealousy” makes its grim appearance. Then the innocent13 nonsense of Tavia, a

rgarten whisper, but a matter which so closely affects Tavia’s career that Dorothy takes all s

ory—a plot that deals in mystery and adventure, of a gypsy girl in a cave, stole

demented man. But this is not accomplished without stirring adventures, not the smallest of which was the night spent in the old mansion, when the young folks had been overtaken by so heavy a snowstorm that

n to a sanitarium, where Dorothy is really believed to be the girl who escaped from that institution, was surely an ordeal for Dorothy. But not less is the latter part of that story, where the real sick girl is found b

lume, she will sustain her reputation, as that of the up-to-date girl,

is coming, as it always does come, just when

lenwood did not originally require such a luxury; Rose-Mary wanted to get permission to “run” one car for the “Glens,” and camp out in it; Tavia wanted to get up a committee on food-quest, with time-table drinking cups apiece. Dorothy thought it might be a good idea to consult the conductor and have an official statement. The gentleman (“King” they called him now) excused himself, and left the girls so forlorn, all alone there, in a heaped-up convention, that Tavia declared he was a card

is departure. A night on that train now seemed impossible. Tavia went to the last seat in the car, and dared any on

shouted, going ba

” asked


!” begg

!” joked

f over the seat from which she decided to orate. “We may go. We may walk. It is only three mile

” asked Dorothy. “The bridge

re won’t be one of us ‘waiting at the

?” asked little Amy B

my dears. Take up your things—every mussed paper bag of them, and hurry with me across the meadow. The road comes out just at the Green Edg

hat Tavia should h

how are we to know that we can cr

y to find out,” answered the da

tor, and all that?” inquired Nit

assignment to you—you may stay

g a part of wearing apparel—small part—and also answering for a carryall of the old time conception. It was the quickest18 way, and that was what counted. Jean Faval did drop her gold purse just as she was alighting (s

orothy, who was assisting E

out, Dick! Land sakes alive! We won’t have thread and needles enough in the tower t

work skirt. “Oh, well,” she said, making the ground, “I never liked

“Tavia, wherever are you leading

e girl who was almost running ahead

ling to take the same risk that you all take—sink19 or swim,” and she ran along after Tavia, wh

was put in the bog with a shudder or

red Nita Brant. “These

e’ll take up a collection on

claimed Jean Faval. “The

orothy, good humoredly. “The only thing tha

ut before an answer could be ventured there was a s


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