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Dorothy Dale's School Rivals


Word Count: 2451    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

any girl would prefer staying up all night in a stuffy car, to getting this

ig three-seated closed touring car, that flaunted the Glenwood flag. "And that she w

me with us," continued Edna. "But her son

is is a lovely ride, but fancy talking to Jacob! He's been the Glenwood runner e

ed Molly. "I suppose that Jean girl took the o

that Nita and Lena, and some of the others are talking to Jean. We'll have some trouble keepin

old, for his hair is white as snow. You see, it must worry Dorothy to leave him and th

he matter with her?" went on Edna. "It see

pe not. Dear Doro does so much for every one else that

dna looked back to where Dorothy was talking to Cologne. "Or perhaps you had better do it, Ta

ll on me! No one minds what I do. I'm the goat, of course. I

way at all!" exclaimed Edna

uld talk rather louder now, as the machine, chugging along, m

cret trouble. She isn't at all like her jolly self, and though sh

nterrupted Tavia. "I'm sur

y don't

orothy wanted me to

ust like her to hold back and not want to tell anyone. Oh

e is to it. Let's start a song.

anything35 with you," sighed her compani

raid. But don't worry so much. Let Doro alone and if she wants help s

does so much for others that it would be a pity

ing out into the gathering darkness.

makes me nervous. I'm all unstrung, anyhow, I guess, ov

is is great, I say! I like to g

" commented Edna

a sudden jolt, and came to a quick stop, while Ja

d out Dorothy. "Has

voiced Tavia. "This trip

ed screams, many alarmed inqui

Jake?" asked

would play out, and I wanted to stop and put on a new one, but Mrs. Pangborn told me to hur

in the woods while Jake puts a new rubber shoe on this duck of an auto. It can'

ly Richards, with pret

d our heroine. "Still, it's like most of what Tav

ven a violin," commented Molly wit

ill and waiting for Jake. Besides, we'll37 make

he driver, "and one or more young ladies like you, Miss T

cried the irrepressible Tavia. "Hop

f you like, miss," said the puzzled Jake, who

she retorted,

epy, crawling things!" cried Edna. "Ne

stood watching Jake make his preparations for replacing the da

ikes to do that?" a

avia actually did work the handle of the implemen

ia is so fond of the boys-in a nice way,38 of course,

othy. "You needn't have expla

ways," came the remark. "I know

one!" laughed

as she looked closely at her chum, wondering, as o

inly showed on her face, though she tried to hide it and be her

Tavia, in business-like tones, as she

replied. "It'll hold itself. But you might hold one of

Tavia with a laugh. "It's been putting on 'lugs,' as the boys

n't mind, please, holding that light a litt

o use some of her own slang," commented Mol

' or something like that," was the re

ambled up to her seat, after insisting on helping Jake to put away his tools, and the ca

wers of Glenwood would be seen. The "Light House," the girls always called th

ena, and a little frightened girl, all the way from Georgia. It was her first term, and all the

lly, as the big machine c

othy. "He has the queerest habit of s

tting out. A chicken

ted rather anxiously. Then the

t?" called

ut I think it's one of them velvet poodl

ean, who, being with Jake natural

plied the driver. "A little fluff of a thing like this do

a. "You know I always take good care

Can't tell about toy dogs. They're not hounds, you know," and he handed first to Dorothy and she

had been obliged to go to Glenwood in the motor, when she had been all settled for the night, and wanted

miled at Jake. "Won't you let me drive the car a little way, please?" she

I'm responsible to Mrs. Pangborn, and it would be a queer story for me to tell, if anyt

Jake speaking with unmistakable distinctness

had made a bed for him, and indeed the little thing unmistakably

"do you suppose some chauffeur dr

elling what happens," replied Tavia. "But he's mine, or Doro's. Sh

e want him?" w

es. "Don't you remember, last Winter, how she saved his childre

but we all helpe

I don't want you to think that I believe Dorothy Dale to be

quietly. "Tavia, you have, after a

will not be love for yo

asleep on Jake's shoulder. Won't

tte, for indeed the tower light of Gl

balcony lights

lung to the wheel as if the

Glenwood! R

back again,

behind us! H

a sch

. But Mrs. Pangborn was there to w

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