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Attention Span and Other Stories

Chapter 9 Seating for Singles

Word Count: 3316    |    Released on: 11/01/2018

of the ankle strap on her right shoe. The narrow red brick building, slotted in neatly between a launderette and a fish and chip shop, was far too old to have a lift. But t

ed to be absent-minded about scheduling maintenance, including window cleaning. As a result, Becky's flat was darker than it should have been, but at least the top

te her days taking messages, arranging long tubes of site plans, and ordering stationery supplies. Martin could be such a drama queen when someone nicked his beloved bran

foot from the pesky shoe at the same time. The flat was decidedly chilly: maybe sh

her, probably a fuse had blown. This was not unusual, as the electrics were roughly the same age as Mrs Cargyle. But Becky's dad had – cautiou

of make-up, ' he'd said, after she'd removed the red

nd matching cashmere shawl of four years ago, chosen by her mum. Still, who needed silk dresses to crawl around under the big desks of the architect's office? What good was a cashmere shawl when the internet router had

gle shoe, she found herself nose down on Mrs Cargyle's grey, fusty carpet. At least

ale grumble. 'You

' said another

y was sure, was a third pers

Not a fuse, then, was her first thought, her brain choosing to process the mu

kinned girls, some short, some tall, but all skinny, with huge white eyes. They wore t

mbled up, shock grappling with ind

nny in Stoke Newington. Most evenings, the curvy Spaniard played poker, consistently fooling the other players with

strained across her chest. The rest of the group, making a total of five draped over seats plus three on the floor, watched

arded faces and piercing

ips. 'I just want to know who you are. Are you

arm around the smaller girl. 'W

mpartment of a container lorry and tipped out on Hackney Road to fe

us, ' said the trip

Becky gape

Maria, who was clear

ent to the bags of groceries. She wasn't about to try to feed nine people with a loaf of bread, three apples, two tins

Maria's hair was cropped unusually close to her h

numbered, was on th

ia raised her chin

that the world should be asham

e.' This came from an intruder

to another. 'You want to go home?' This wasn't norm

a's voice betrayed exasperation that Becky

ou're the Romani

'duh, obvious' gestures, while

's name like that, ' Maria said.

a for, what, ten days? Two weeks? Becky's entire social network had been appalled at their kidnapping, had shared and tweeted and pinned and comm

everything in your powe

k profile.' The small timid

back, trying to put distance between herself and her eight uninvited guests. But in th

ith the shock, for starters, and as far as Becky knew, offering tea was a

thankfully, cooperated, but Becky took one look at the scene it revealed, and smacked it off again. She ha

me, she stopped herself

could tell, it was an accurate miniature, with three levels, intricate crisscross ironwork, and little staircases at the corners. Bizarrely, perched on the horizontal parts, were vegetables: carrots,

? And what the hell

wer from the schoolgirls

ffel Tower to reach the kettle, and found it was impossi

ided to seek refuge in the bathroom. Sur

tle bedraggled, standing patiently while a woman in a grey pinstripe skirt su

by an 'oh' as she realised the lion w

n, reaching for Becky's chamo

ad come from, and why he was being hosed down in her bath. But her stare was glue

t, before aiming the shower head to rinse around the edges of

rely animals attack more read

y for Cedric, the wal

dric's bath attendant grabbed Becky's favourite fluffy towel – the cream

wee bit nonplu

afety of the Eiffel Tower, but her legs wouldn't comply. 'Who on earth are you all? And

den towel on the floor, sto

We're your fee

. my

al media.' She stuck out a han

Fey's hand out of reflexive politeness. Why did everyone k

Becky's horror, looked like he was considering a leap from the bath. Instead, he

ey, then, as Becky didn't argue, l

, one of them sliding to the floor and the other leaning against

again. 'All the things you

nd the room. If anything, she felt more trapped than she had in th

is, ' she said. 'Everything in your

much for support as to avo

' Fey nodded

he lion?' Beck

You remember Cecil, don't you? You

tourist paid a few thousand dollars for an excursion to exterminate one of earth's most

t rest until animals like Cec

pent that morning reading out bits from the newspaper. Nor had he complained when B

ed, ' Fey smiled. 'But the

ou mean, d

ing by the front door, but this didn't seem a good moment

ollow through, did you?' Fey

t, ' lie

ention span doesn't las

said one of the

ky had envisaged at all. She'd far rather be lying under a radiator

ight!' Fe

cky of the kitchen. 'So wha

l, the shootin

ortant, not to let your poker opponent see your uncertainty

vious year's terrorist attacks i

few moments. The Romani

ofile picture with the stripes of the Tricolour. Had sh

nd hold them accountable for fake ingredients, palm

ht. She was catching on, if nothing else. But she didn't remember any kidn

.' But she was studying Becky's

d predatory felines, she should care about wardrobe eccentricities, Becky remove

heels.' She remembered now: a legal firm in the City had sent Fey home when she declined to wear teetering shoes for a nine hour stint at the r

he said drily, and removed her beautiful footwear. 'You

us choice for promotion if she dressed more appealingly? She wished, now, she'd told him where to stick his fa

'But your energy is wasted if you won't stic

lion, a French tower, and more than

retched and stood up. 'J

areful not to invade the space of

e'll make everyone a nice cup of tea, and then we'll see. Y

hing with all those vegetables and concoct dinner for everyone. Maybe Cedric would be okay with bea

her eyes for a moment


oor closed

re in the dark?

find her flatmate standing

leaving Becky to look around the entirely empty living room. Beside h

one?' Yet another question tha

herself from the sofa, clambered to her feet, and went to the kitchen. Peeking around the corner, she found i

the bathroom door. She waited two, three se

fy cream towel hung, pristine, on the rail. She reached for it, f

nough that Carmela could call from the k

ep on the sofa and had a dystopian dream. With a last look around the bathroom

e arrived next to Carmela in

ad a lucrative poker night. 'He didn't stand a chance.' She smiled. 'Too di

and opened the fridg

vibration in the adjacent counter. It was just enough t

he flatmates, it rolled

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