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The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp


Word Count: 2522    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

down to the landing on Upper Lake not a ripple broke its placid surface. As far as he could see it lay like a great magic mirror, the he

opes, black against the lighter green of yellow and white birch, maple and ash, which had reclaimed to the wilderness the vast tracts ruthlessly laid bare by reckless lumbering twent

s appeared magnified to many times their actual size, so that a launch some two miles distant, whose rapid put-put

g and steadily, shading

fer us. Yer make yerself t' home, son, while I run back up yonder t' th' hotel

d supplies of all kinds for the various camps and hotels scattered along the lake. Half a dozen passengers were already aboard. Two Adirondack skiffs, each pulled [28] by a brawny guide, a fis

h. It was now near enough for Walter to make out the blue pennant with the magic words "Woodcraft Camp" fluttering at the bow, and

lowed the big guid

eighteen, in olive khaki trousers, flannel shirts and soft-brimmed hats, who straightway fell upon Walter's

e already in good company. The doctor was some worried for fear you might have missed connections at Upper Chain, but if he'd known that you were trailing in company with this old son of the backwoods his mind would have been easy. Jim, you great big stick of seasoned timber, it sure does a fellow good to look at you. Stow this young fellow

wn the lake. Bob took the wheel, while Louis ran the engine. Walter was up forward, "to be properly impressed," as Bob pu

o big summer hotels on commanding bluffs were passed, showing but little life as yet, for the season had not fairly opened. On rocky points, or half hidden in sheltering coves, he caught glimpses of summer "camps," most of them built of logs, but in many cases little short of palatial, and the boy's lips cur

s had been started, and that the two young men had been among his earliest pupils. With eager ears he drank in their talk of fish and lures, of deer, rifles and

face, which, for all its irrepressible good-humor, had in it a strength and purpose which denoted a solid foundatio

tually under control. He took but little part in the [32] conversation, but his quiet smile at the sallies between Bob and the guide was of a peculiarly winsome

out from the eastern shore, and beyond it, just to the left of a giant pine, a flagstaff from which

first glimpse of Woodcraft

an island the launch was just passing. Both boys were in trunks and jerseys and paddling like mad to intercept the launch. Suddenly the one in the stern caught sight of the g

o you don't, Billy!" he called with a grin. "This boat car

her down, won't y

redly; but the engine

ashamed of you! Your paddling is abominable. Where's that ne

dles and the next a canoe was floating bottom up, one boy white-faced and frightened, clinging

anoe. Walter's heart had been in his mouth, but the others seemed not [34] a bit disturbed. Louis stopped

by the slack of his jersey, "I've a mind to duck yo

was going to let you land Big Jim a

but this is going to be

on't, Louis," be

n may run himself he has no right to involve others in danger? How did you know that Allen there would be able to take care of himself, plunged unexpectedly into the water? He's b

Walter was duly introduced to the penitent Billy and his victim,

get for a battery of eyes. The ordeal was light, however, compared with what it would have been at nightfall or earlie

illy whispered, "Here comes D

many scientific societies and institutions of learning both at home and abroad, and now content to bury himself in the north woods as the founder and

camp that probably not one among the pupils, save a few of the older boys, recognized it as such. Its courses were manliness, self-reliance, physical and mental health, strength of character, simplicity of desire and love of nature. The curriculum embraced all forms of athletic sports,

the jolly good times they were having. Timid, nervous, [37] under-developed youngsters entering the camp at the beginning of the summer vacation went forth to their studies in the fall brown, hearty, well muscled and with a quiet confidence in thems

ples, with firm, square jaw, rather large mouth, prominent nose and eyes which seemed to see all things at once yet from which a smile seemed eve

in the greeting there was plainly evident a mutual respect and liking between these men, so far apart in the

Wigwam No. 1 and where to stow his duffle and wash up. By the way, Buxby, you and your canoe look pretty wet. Have an accident?" Then without waiting for Billy's reply he added, "You may police camp for th

," whispered Woodhull to the discomfited Billy, as

shouldering Walter's duffle bag, started up the

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