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The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp


Word Count: 2655    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

ou Del

hat tale of the

must have s

r goat w

oung men at thei

a group of boys squatting in front of a sh

the fire?

d fire as if warming them. "And here," he added in an injured tone, "we've been sitting for an hour roasting that loon he heard

y Buxby innocently.

with conviction. "Say, Upto

tell," rep

Tortoise," commented Tug. "Say, Walt, did he h

t, I believe he di

Say, fellows, Pat's been hanging 'round camp for the la

nce to swipe somet

all right, but that doesn't make

trail just at dusk the other night," broke in Ned Peasely.

natives a sense of his own importance and t

all right. Some day he'll forget he's the son

s my goat. Here he is, a tenderfoot, and yet he's putting it all over the fellows that have been here two or three years. He's rolling up po

f angels--"

od to the group around the tent, that gave Walter the feeling that he considered himself a little above his companions. Yet, withal, there was something likable in his face, despite a rather weak mouth and the shifty glance of his eyes. Instinct

, put us wise to that private preserve of you

d one for yourself," retorted

e'll trail him 'til we find out where he ge

do nothing o

turned to find Woodhull in their midst. Unseen he had come up just in time to hear Billy's last words. They all sal

5] thought it was a Scout's duty to

hom?" aske

he a Seneca, and aren't the Senec

uts, members of Woodcraft Camp as we are. Just pin that in your hat. Of all contemptible beings the most contemptible is a spy, save in actual warfare. No, my son, if Hal has been smart enough

the Hurons drew a prize in Hampton, who came in last week. Billy, I've got a bit

you to the North Pole, Louis," re

tights, while the others continue

square deal to spy on Hal. Just the same I'd like to know where

uppose what?


with it! What d

t his knees and gazed thoug

all his spending money?

You don't mean, Spud, that

low down mean enough to try to win points with things he'd bought. But

d this in silence

He's got us going, and we're sore, that's all. Let's take

pud promptly. "Bet he don

alter was a fair swimmer, but he soon found that Tug quite outclassed him. As a matter of fact Tug was the star sw

crawl's the only thing for the hundred yards. You've got something to learn on that overhand, too. You fight the water too

and strokes that sent the swimmer through the water without apparent exertion, yet at a speed that made his own best efforts se

you coach me?" h

, kid, no getting mad when I throw the hooks into you! If we can get even a third in the quarter we'll pretty near break even with the Huro

g?" aske

all. And then you know they've got a long lead on points for fish, thanks to Harrison. By Jove, I

paddle back to camp the notes of a bugl

camp. "That's the 'recall.' Wonder what's up. Tha

ch. As they hurried up to headquarters boys were pouring in from all directions, on every

iam stepped from the office. His face was very grave as he studied the exp

made an hour since-a discovery unprecedented in the annals of Woodcraft Camp. It is that there is or has been a thief in our midst." He paused for an instant while his

im and the doctor, noting it, smiled again. Then onc

hink that they had been mislaid. But this morning occurred a loss which admits of no doubt that there has been a thief in camp. You all remem

uts indeed had they not noticed the one bit of jewe

of sentimental associations, the value is not to be computed in dollars and cents. To Mrs. Merriam that little pin is priceless. I have called you together to tell you of this loss, believing that there is not one among you but will gladly give o

em was inconceivable. Still, there had been few strangers in camp, two or three

nd Tug, and the three walked on

hat was said about Pat Malone this morni

ou know?"

were swimming. Left a message for Tom Mulligan. Wh

nsidered this inf

ug. "Shall you repo

Chip. "It's suspicious,

does look mighty suspicious, but I don't believe that a fellow who would take a licking and then get up and shake hands the way Pat did w

ther and report all clues discovered. Gee, but

nd I'd like to clear Pat,

pretty general conviction that Pat was the thief, so easy is it for mere suspicion to pose as truth. A few of the more hot-headed were for rounding Pat up the next day and forcing him to confess,

?" sa

84] Mother Merriam's window. Just about Pat's size, they were. Prints of the hobnails in the right showed clearly, and thre

from here straight up to the Du


the tail feather of a crow from his pocke

at usually has a feather sticking in th


for a while, consi

esn't it?" sai

r are mighty small things on which to brand a fellow a thief.

o stretch. "I'm going to turn in. Nine o


"taps" the boys sought th

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