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House of Omen: The Indomitable Smitersmith

House of Omen: The Indomitable Smitersmith


Chapter 1 Ten Thousand Strikes

Word Count: 1227    |    Released on: 13/03/2018





. Over and over again. As he lifted the hammer, strong winds would blow, circling around him and

oked perfect. So perfect, in fact, that each swing was exactly the same as the previous o

mmer continuously until a l

The matron has ca

mic swinging and tossed the hammer aside as if it was weightless. Yet, the mo

t, black hair, black eyes and brown skin that

called out to him and walked straight back home. The o

s shrinking back. The boy looked around and looked at the hammer and anvil. After a moment

ther side of the head had a blunt surface one could use to strike with, meaning it was a double-sided hammer. Beside the unusual handle

except Darius could lift this hammer. The boy found this hard to believe and




Darius himself, would not allow


the village, thoughts filled his mind, mak

said was the requirement. Very soon I will be able to get

ousands. For a village of this size however, it was nicely developed. Of

t a ton, his body was feeling hot all over and his mind was dizzy. However, Darius had long gotten used to the

larger buildings within the village and had quite a bit of financia

he orphanage began to gossip about him. Darius ignored the attention and did what he always did everyday: he walk

Darius and noted his strange behavior. A cook

nd shyly scratched his head. "Is it that obvious? I thou

hat. Anyone who finds his behavior strange is def

Darius? 'Ten Thousand Strik


he rumours made h

ed: "Tell me... what exactl

n hammer and strike an anvil. He reportedly does this at least ten thousand times a day. I also heard that this hammer weighs more than the average

e extreme with each day that passe

.. they ar

hed food for the other orphans he continued: "He does climb the mountain and

or, can you e

ut the moment Darius touches it it becomes extremely

... it's

to only work in his hands, that hammer is useless to everyone else. As for his temper, you couldn't be any farther from the truth! Darius i

Darius was being bullied by the other children! They were throwing food at him and he was not

had enough fun they walked away. Darius looked up and, noticing that

dea." said the new cook w

ou. Don't waste your time. Today will be his last day here anyway

t day?" said the young cook w

puff of smoke: "Today,

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